Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — ABOUT THE PARTIES [ARTICLE]
Political Parties in 2018 Hawai'i conducts a single party primary, whieh requires voters to indicate their political preference and vote only for candidates in that party. The candidates who receive the most votes will represent their party in the primary election. Political parties on the ballot in 2018 are: • Constitution Party • Democratic Party • Green Party • Libertarian Party • Republican Party Candidates not affiliated with a party ean run as nonpartisan eandidates. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Elections The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is govemed by a Board of Tmstees comprised of nine members who are elected to serve four year terms. All voters statewide are allowed to vote in eaeh OHA contest. There are four at-large tmstees, and the remaining five members are resident trustees, with one eaeh for the islands of Maui, Moloka'i, O'ahu and Kaua'i. OHA lsland Resident Trustees In 2018, the Maui and O'ahu seats
are up for election. Because only two candidates filed to mn for the Maui seat, that race will bypass the primary and will be voted on in the general election. The O'ahu seat has muhiple candidates, however, and all will appear on the primary eleetion ballot. If one candidate receives the majority of votes cast (50. 1 percent) in the primary, the candidate is elected. Otherwise, the two primary candidates with the most votes will face-off in the general election. OHA At-Large Trustees This year, three At-Large Trustee seats are up for election. Because there are more than seven candidates for at-large seats, all will appear on the primary election ballot. If one candidate receives the majority of votes, that candidate will be deemed elected and the four candidates receiving the next highest votes will appear on the general election ballot and the two who receive the most votes will be elected. If no at-large candidates receive a majority of votes in the primary eleetion, the six candidates with the most votes will advance to the general eleetion. The three candidates receiving the most votes will be elected. ■