Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
®HA 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs BDARD DF TRUSTEES Note: Trustee columns represent the views of individuol trustees and muynot reflect the officiol positions adopted by tbe Office of Hawaiian Affoirs Board of Trustees. Colette Y. Machado Chair. TrustEE. Malūka'i and Lāna'i TBI: 8D8.534.I837 Fax: 8Ū8.594.Ū2I2 Email: eūl ettEm 0 □ h a .□ rg ūan Ahuna VicE Chair. Trustee Kaua'i aud Ni'ihau TEI: 8D8.534.I75I Email: d a n a 0 □ h a ,ūrg Leina'ala Ahu lsa. Ph.ū. Trustee, At-large Tel: 8D8.534.I877 Fax: 8D8.534.I853 Email: I a dygHiūha.D rg Rowena Akana Trustee, At-large Tal: 8Ū8.594.I8ĒŪ Fax: 8D8.534.I883 Email: rūwenaaBūha.ūrg Keli'i Akina. Ph.ū. Trustee, At-large Tal: 8D8.594.I859 Email: TrūsteeAkiūaBūha.ūrg Peter Apo Trustee. O'ahu Tel: 8D8.594.I854 Fax: 8D8.594.I8G4 Email: peteraBūha.ūrg Carmeu "Hulu" Liodsey Trustee, Maui Tel: 8Ū8.594.I858 Fax: 8D8.5D4.I8G4 Email: h ū I u |B o h a.ū rg Robert K. Liodsey Jr. Trustee Hawai'i Tel: 8D8.5D4.I855 Fax: 8D8.594.I883 Email: ruhertlBūha.ūrg Joho D. Waihe'e IV Trustee. At-large Tel: 8D8.594.I87G Email: craynaBoha.ūrg