Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — Senator demonstrated dedication to Hawaiians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Senator demonstrated dedication to Hawaiians
Editor's note: In accordance with an Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board ofTrustees policy based on state ethics guidelines, any trustee runningfor re-election is suspended from publishing his or her regular eolumn until the elections are complete, exceptfor those trustees running unopposed.
nMay, Hawai'ipaidtribute to the late Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka in puhhe memorial ceremonies. OHA had an oppoitunity to give our aloha to Aunty Millie and their 'ohana. In paying my hnal respects to Senator Akaka, I was overwhelmed with emotions as I recalled this great man and our many years working together for the future of Native Hawaiians. Senator Akaka's dedication to Native Hawaiians, and his landmark legislation to extend parity in federal
recognition for Native Hawahans, was paramount in his career. So mueh so that it was a key theme in the hnal words in the U.S. Senate in December 2012. This continuous excerptbelow shows Senator Akaka's fuh intent of these words, his legislahve legacy, and a career's eommitment to self-deteniiinahon for our people, "I am proud to be thefirst Native Hawaiian ever to serve in the Senate, just as I am so proud to be one of the three U.S. Army World War II veterans wlio remain in the Senate today. The United States is a great country. One ofthe things that mak.es us so great is that thougli we have made mistakes, we change, we correct them, we right past wrongs. It is our responsibility as a nation to do right by America 's Native people, those who exercised sovereignty on lands that later became part ofthe United States. While we ean never change the past, we have the power to change thefuture. Throughout my career I have worked to ensure that my colIeagues understand the Federal relationship with Native peoples and its origins in the Constitution. The U.S. policy ofsupporting self-determination and self-governance for indigenous peoples leads to Native self-sujficiency, resulting in our continued ability to
be productive and to eontribute to the well-being of our families, our eommunities, and our great Nation. Tliat is why I worked to secure parity in Federal policy for my people — the Native Hawaiians. The United States has recognized lumdreds ofAlaskan Native and American Indian communities. It is long past timefor the Native Hawaiian people to have the same rights, same privileges, and same opportunities as every other federally recognized Native people.
For more than 12 years now, 1 have worked with the Native Hawaiian community and many others to develop the Native Hawaiian Reauthorization Act, whieh has the strong support ofHawaii 's Legislature and Governor as the best path forward toward reconciliation. My bill has encountered many ehallenges, but it is pono — it is right — and it is long overdue. Although I will not be the bill 's sponsor in the 113th Congress, itwillforeverbearmy highest aspirations and heartfelt eommilmenl to the Native Hawaiian people, the State of Hawaii, and the United States ofAmerica. I know I am just one in a long line working to ensure that our language, our culture, and our people eonhnue to thrive for generations to eome. I believe Hawaii has so mueh to teach the world and this institution. In Congress and in our Nation, we are truly all together, in the same eanoe. lfwe paddle together in unison, we ean travel great distances. Ifthe two sides ofthe eanoe paddle in opposite directions, we will only go in circles." OHA faces great opposition in the work we do to empower our lāhui. However, in taking example from our beloved Senator Akaka before us, we will not waver and we will not let forces hinder us from accomplishing what we know to be pono. We must unite and holomua forward. ■
Colette Y. Machado Chsir, TrustsB Mūlūka'i ard Lāna'i