Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — WAIKOLOA AHUPUA'A, SOUTH KOHALA, ISLAND OF HAWAI'I [ARTICLE]
ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) to support environmental permitting associated with the proposed development of TMKs: (3) 6-8-002:005, 006, 028, 029, and 030, located in Waikoloa Ahupua'a, South Kohala, Island of Hawai'i. This CIA will serve as a eompanion document to the environmental documentation being prepared in eomplianee with HRS Chapter 343. We are seeking consultation with any community members that might have knowledge of traditional cultural uses of the proposed project area; or who are involved in any ongoing cultural practices that may be occurring on or in the general vicinity of the subject properties, whieh may be impacted by the proposed project. If you have and ean share any such information please contact Bob Rechtman brechtman@ asmaffiliates.com, or Lauren Tam Sing ltamsing@asmaffiliates.com , phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Affiliates 507A E. Lanikāula Street, Hilo, HI 96720.