Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 July 2018 — 'lolani brings back kama'āina, military pricing [ARTICLE]
'lolani brings back kama'āina, military pricing
Starting July 1, 'Iolani Palaee will resume offering discounted admission to kama'āina and military members to encourage more loeal residents to visit. The discounts apply to both the guided and audio tours, whieh would cost $23 and $16 respectively, a savings of $4 per ticket with valid Hawai'i state or military ID.
"We hope that the new kama'āina and military pricing will encourage locals and military members alike to eome visit a Hawai'i landmark steeped in history," said Cindy Ascensio, 'Iolani Palaee guest services manager. "It enables loeal residents and service members to take advantage of their proximity to the palaee and play tourist for the day." Tours ean be booked online at www.iolanipalace.org/visit.