Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — Prince Lot festival returns to lolani Palace [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Prince Lot festival returns to lolani Palace
Submitted by Moanalua Gardens Foundation I f a Hanohano 0 Kamehameha. . . I f The Glory of Kamehameha,
I^L the 41st Annual Prince Lot t( I Hula Festival, will return
I X to 'Iolani Palaee on July 2 1 and 22. The festival honors Princi Lot Kapuāiwa, who helped reprise hula and reigned as Kamehameha
V from 1863 to 1872 at his official
residence on the palaee grounds. Admission to the Palaee during the festival will be /
free. Presented by Moanalua Gardens Foundation (MGF), the festival is the largest noncompetitive hula celebration
in the islands. The festival recently received aio Media's top award for best heritage and cultural event. "We are deeply grateful to aio Media
and the Hawai'i Lodging and Tourism Association for this award. This recognition would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment
of our festival committee, staff, volunteers, sponsors and donors, and our board of directors, who work tirelessly to make the festival the success that it is," said Alika Jamile, Executive Director and President. "We also wish to aeknowl-
edge the many kumu hula and their hālau who showcase the best of our hula traditions eaeh year. They are the heartbeat of the festival," Jamile said. "We encourage the entire community
to join us for two days of great hula, ^ food and cultural activities at the iw. . nalaee."
Founded in 1978 by MGF is a gift to the community, the estival now attracts thousands
of residents and visitors
eaeh year. Opening ceremonies
W on Saturday will include the Royal Order of Kamehameha, presentation of MGF's Malia
Kau Award to renown Nā Kumu Hula Nalani k and Pua Kanaka'ole, K followed by an ® impressive line-up of
premier hālau hula (hula groups) who 1 will perform both I kāhiko (ancient) 1 and 'auana
Tontemporary) hula. Hālau from every major island will be Masako Negele of Hōlou Hula 0 Nomakahulūli.
participating and their kumu have been encouraged to include dancers from their out-of-state branches. On Sunday, MGF will honor respected chanter Kalena Silva with its Namakahelu Oli Award as part of the opening program. The event will also feature a Hawaiian-themed craft fair, cultural demonstrations and more. Loeal food and refreshments will be available for purchase throughout the day. Limited edition tee shirts and souvenir kōkua buttons will be on sale. Proceeds from these merchandise sales will help cover the costs of the festival. The public, and visitors, are weleome and encouraged to bring their beach chairs and mats and enjoy the fun, food and festivities in the magnificent setting of 'Iolani Palaee, No commercial photography is allowed. The Prince Lot Hula Festival is an OHA legacy event. Other festival sponsors and supporters include the Hawaii Tourism Authority, State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 'Iolani Palaee, Hawaiian Airlines, Matson Navigation, Pasha Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, Hawai'i Visitors and Convention Bureau, O'ahu Visitors Bureau, the Honolulu Star Advertiser, MidWeek, 'Ōlelo Community Media, and Urgent Care Hawaii. For more information, please eall 8395334 or visit MGF's website at www. moanaluagardensfoundation.org. ■
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r4v?/f T v Holou Hula '0 Hokulani performs at the Prince Lot Festival in 20 1 7, the first year it was held on 'lolani Palace grounds. - Photos: Moanaloa Gardens Foundation