Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 6, 1 Iune 2018 — 2018 [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
KALEOHANO/WENTWORTH - To all descendants of (h) Apela married (w) Waiolae, children are: Kaiapa Apela, (h) James W. Kaleohano (w) Kekipi. Tutu Kekipi's parents are: (h) Keawe (w) Poaimoku, whose ehildren are: (w) Kuaana (h) Peahi Kealakai, (h) Hawila (w) Aliee Wentworth, (h) Holualoa (w) Keawehaku Kaholi, (h) HolHolua (w) Keawehaku Kaonohi, (h) Apela (w) Kamela Kaula (h) Howard Hawila Kaleohano & (w) Aliee Ale Wentworth, There will be a family reunion July 7 and 8, 2018, in Kailua-Kona at the 01d Kona Airport. Descendants of Ella Kawailani Wentworth (Obed Naukana Kaiawe), Moses Moke Wentworth (Annie Kaapa/Ilima Uhai Hao). Aliee Ale Wentworth (George K. Beck Sr.), Louisa Kekipi Kaleohano (James Kealaiki Sr.), Annie Kaleohano (Annum Y. Kealamakia), Adeline Waialoa Kaleohano (Moses Keale Sr./Joseph Kahale), Sophia Kapono Kaleohano (Daniel Huakanou Kaiawe), Smith Kaleohano (Louisa Kawale Kaupu), Howard Hawila Kaleohano (Mahel U. Kahale/ Lily Kanohea), Daisy Kauwana Kaleohano (Aeho Young), Mary Haulani Kaleohano (W. Kurishige/J. Valera) are all invited to this event. For registration and more info, contact Dean Kaiawe (808)987-3229, Sonya Fukushima (808)323-3574, Christine Mendoza (808) 4305547 or visit the Kaleohano/Wentworth family page on Facebook for updates. kaleohano. wentworth @ gmail.com. KAUAUA - Kauaua 'Ohana reunion 2018 will be held on Kauai at the Lydgate Park, Wailua on June 22 to 24, 2018. Information and registration form ean be found on websites KauauaOhana.com; KauauaOhanaKauai. eom; and Facebook-KauauaKauai. Plan early to reserve your accommodations and rent-a-car. Call Clarence Ariola Jr. (808) 639-9637 or email cariolajr@hawaii.rr.com for more information. KUAKAHELA-KALIMAONAONA - The descendants of Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona is scheduled for July 28 and 29 2018 in Kailua-Kona at Makaeo Events Pavilion. Children: Naiheauhau, Kealohapauole, Kaunahi, Kaaihue, Kamau, Kimona (Simeona), Malia, Wahinelawaia and J. K. Kuakahela. Please eome and join us to plan this 2-day event. Please contact Agnes if you have questions 808-987-1884. LOPES - The descendants of Seraphine Lopes & Pakele Kaluahine Kahumoku "2nd Ohana Reunion" is being held on July 29 - 29, 2018 at Swanzy Beach Park, 51-489 Kamehameha Hwy., Ka'a'awa, O'ahu. The reunion gathering day is Saturday, July 28, from lOa to 9p. Please join us for luneh and dinner, bring a main dish w/ dessert. 'Ohana will have music, games, talk story and genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed on July 27 - 29, but you must obtain a C&C of Honolulu camping permit. The 13 descendants of Seraphine Lopes & Pakele Kaluahine Kahumoku are: Seraphine Jr., Louie, Tom, John (Violet Makia), Thomas (Annette Bogdanoff), Frank (Christina Bogdanoff), Eben "Nahi" (Maria Torres), Charles (Annie Ale Kaleleiki Apana), David (Hannah Higgins), Jenny (Nahi Kukui), Mary (George Schutte), Carrie (Joseph Keoki Paoa), & Girlty (George
Medeiros). Musician volunteers are needed and monetary donations are welcomed. Funds will be used for pienie tables, tents, paper goods. For more information contact family representative: Ramona "Bully" DiFolco (808) 2630121 or eell (808) 282-8921. LOVELL-HOLOKAHI - Joseph Lovell a me Mary Mele Holokahiki Family reunion, July 12-15, 2018 Kohala Coast, Hawai'i Island, to honor Kupuna Mele Holokahiki who was from Pololū Valley. We need your kōkua: please serve on a committee, donate, and most important - plan on attending. Fill out the questionnaire form ASAP to help our planning. There are a few rooms left at Kohala Village Inn - contact Makalapua at kaawa@hawaii. edu. Contact us at the family email: lovell.holokahiki@gmail.com or eall Teri 808-494-5384. MAKUAOLE - To all descendants of Samuel Makuaole Opuweuweu (1852-1917) and daughters, Rebecca 'Kapeka' Makuaole (1883-1975) and Mary 'Mele' Makuaole (1884-1942), of Hakioa, Makaweli, Kaua'i; There will be a Makuaole Family Reunion on the island of Kaua'i in 2018. The Reunion dates are July 5, 6 & 7, 2018 at Lucy Wright Park in Waimea, Kaua'i. All descendants who have not yet been contacted and are interested in attending the Makuaole Family Reunion are encouraged to contact us for more information. Please submit your contact information (Name, family line, adresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) to Makuaole2018@Gmail.com or contact Mahe (Lacro) Vegas, daughter of Annie (Apo) Lacro (808.651.1197); or Ikaika Rosa, grandson of Grace (Makuaole) Aeain (206.356.3235). PU A - The descendants of David Kaluahi Pua and Maria Kini are planning a family reunion on August 31 - September 2, 2018, at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach, Ka'u, Hawai'i. We have secured the pavillion area for the 3 days. David and Maria had eight children, all of whom produced descendants. They were Violet (Pua) Waltjen, Caroline (Pua) Kauwe, Samuel Pua, David Pua Jr., Abigail aka Pake (Pua) Kaupu, Mary Mae aka Fat (Pua) Kaupu, Donald Pua and Eugene Pua. For more information, please contact Ala Kawaauhau at 808-345-5440 or by email at kawaauhauedward@yahoo.com. Please write "Pua Reunion" in the subject line. You may also visit the David Kaluahi Pua a me Maria Kini 'ohana facebook page for updates. PUHI - The 2018 Puhi Reunion will be held the last weekend of June 2018, at the Hawaiian Home Hall in Waimea, Kamuela, Hawai'i. Return to the Big Island for our 20th year! This reunion will recognize the descendants of Keawe and Keluia, the parents of Eddie Kenao Puhi, Jack Keawe Puhi, Walter Keawe Kaleikini, Esther Kaiona Keene and Helen Kalahiki Rickard. Piekup of registration will start from Friday evening, eome for dinner and some wala'au. Saturday morning will be our family event (roadtrip!), and later meet up for the pa'ina Saturday evening. Sunday will be our closing and wrap-up. Join our Facebook page 2018 Puhi Family Reunion. Or, email Daviann Kama or Ella Waiwaiole at puhireunion@ gmail.com for more info. Aloha mai! ROBINS- FRIEDENBURG - Thomas Robins/Victoria Friedenburg family gathering on July 14, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. till pau
at Punalu'u Beach park in Ka'u, Hawai'i. Please bring a dish to share. Join us and help make this a memorable event. Family, Food, and Fun. RSVP by June 1, 2018 or direct questions to Heidi - robinsfamily808@gmail. eom. Kim - robins2friedenburg@gmail.com or 808-929-7130. VERA CRUZ-KAHALEPAIWI - The descendants of Lui Vera Cruz & Philomena Haili Kahalepaiwi will be gathering on Kaua'i Friday June 29, 2018- Sunday July 1, 2018. Their children were all born in Llhue, Kaua'i between 1881-1887. They are Caroline Line (Henry Awailua), Annie Mauna (William Adolpho; John Kamakau), Louis (Henrietta Nicholas; Elizabeth Kaliko; Cecilia Kahue; Flora Aki), Benito (Emma Lake), and Joseph Moekahi (Hattie Pomaikai; Flora Aki; Mary Saito). Please email Angela Neller at hiilani@fairpoint.net for registration information to be sent to you. The deadline for registration, t-shirts, and family group sheets is April 30, 2018. VICTOR - The descendants of Kamukai Wikoli and Amelia Akoi, collectively known as the Victor 'Ohana, will be holding its 2018 reunion at the Nani Mau Gardens in Hilo from 17-19 August. Information and registration forms will be available online at www.victor-ohana.org or www.facebook. com/the.victor.ohana. Email dwight@ victor-ohana.org with questions. Mahalo! ZABLAN - 80th Year of the founding of our HUI 0 ZABLAN. The Hui O Zablan Pienie will be from 9:00am-4:00pm on Sat., 4 Aug 2018 at Magic Island, Ala Moana Park, Section 30, the mauka section closest to the street. It is a Potluck. Bring your own chairs. The Hui 0 Zablan Reunion T-Shirts: Deep red shirt with a gold Hawaiian shirt design, and a goldenrod yellow shirt with a red Family Crest design again features Cousin Kimo Zablan's art work. Cousins Jimbo and Tammy Correa Beaumont are producing the shirts at a very resonable price. Shirts will be available for purchase for a reasonable price at the Pienie, Bring your kala. Call Cousin Susan Victor 988-1272, if you have any late additions to Family Album. Annual Family Reunion Luneheon will be held in the fall. Date and time to be announced. The Hui 0 Zablan hope to see all you Joaquin and Ane Nahaku Keaweamahi and Joaquin and Maria Bothelo descendants and our Extended Families. Come help us celebrate our 80th!