Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 6, 1 Iune 2018 — Fernhurst Residence of YWCA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Fernhurst Residence of YWCA
Fernhurst re 'ents en, i and practice alol 'āina at Maunal apu'uhonuain Makiki valle -Photo: ourtesy of YWCA The Fernhurr i3esidence of T /7CA0'ahub jeen a plaee of shelter Caiety and hope ( i women sinr jV This facility is now dedicated to en* jwering wom* .ar .oning from prison into the ..iinunity. The Yv . ne' ;se women with thre° l.cir biggest ehallen1- iious g,Hciployment, and I money management. j TViv^-- • ... „1 rr=isition are receivnauiinn Jgeting, saving, .so apply to a credit ....... ......... 0tchnd mt program. Besides j will support women , ._...^,." -'tion skills. To address the _iioyment, women will have -— m mu uuauiea anu career specialists. To address the | .amnoi, ,,, , , L elationships and conflict resolution, wūiiueHwil . iraining in empowered communication, and .u a ho'oponopono practitioner.
YWCA Fernhurst residents participate in Mother Daughter gardening day at Fernhurst. - Photo: Courtesy of YWCA