Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 6, 1 June 2018 — Goodwill Hawai'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Goodwill Hawai'i

Goodwill Hawai'i's OHA Career Pathways Program helps reduce emplovm°r.t hdrriers for Native Hawaiians to help them reach their full potential and heeome aeh-auiheiP1-* jūD readiness training, interviewing techniques and job searching skills and strategy devel°~ ..ent sessions are provided throughout the pae 'āina. Connecting with vocational training providers allo participants to learn new skills nr gtr skills to be competitive in our loeal job marke' The program has served 36 participants ' .n 28 participants .,ipletino T . neadiness Tram'"" lve participants have already obtained em' jyment at 20 or more hoi'- per week! T~ ..,mg is provided ir t itlb group and individual sessions on the i' ,nd of Hawai'i and ind'' .aual sessions on O'ahu, Kaua'ī Maui. For more information on enrollment d upcoming traininr jessions contact:

-HILOSiniva Pota (808) 443-5878 spota@higoodwill.org

-Kaua'iJesslie Hoi (808) 482- 32 xt. 1708 jhook@hi oe. mg

-M ūCai n Johnson (808; 63-8185 cjohnsc. ^hi^oonwill.o^

-O'ahuNikki Isabelo '808) 792-8551 nisao^..^_" ;goodwill.org

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