Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 5, 1 Mei 2018 — Sen. Akaka embodied Hawaiian values [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Sen. Akaka embodied Hawaiian values


join Hawai'i in mourning the loss of our greatest statesman, a true

ambassador of aloha, U.S. Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka, who passed away last month at the age of 93. Senator Akaka was the first and only Native Hawaiian to serve in the U.S. Senate, and was the living embodiment of our Hawaiian values of ha'aha'a, pono, and aloha. We remember him as a tireless ehampion for Hawai'i and Native Hawaiians. SenatorAkaka

was a remarkable leader who eame from humhle roots ir Pauoa Valley. As a student cadel at the Kamehameha Schools for Boys wher Pearl Harboi was attacked ir 1941, he wasone of 29 students sent to guard the mountains

for a month to keep patrol against potential raid by paratroopers and to protect Honolulu's water supply. From this moment, at just 17 years of age, Dan Akaka began a long and illustrious career in puhlie service to his beloved Hawai'i and to his nation. He served in the U.S. Army and as a longtime educator in Hawai'i's schools, before being elected to serve Hawai'i in the House of Representatives in 1976. In 1990, he was appointed to the U.S. Senate following the death of Senator Spark Matsunaga. The importance of being the first Native Hawaiian in the U.S. Senate was never lost on him. In fact, in his first address on the Senate floor, he told his colleagues, "To serve as the first senator of Native Hawaiian ancestry, to be in the highest legislative body of our land and in the world, fills me with enormous pride and profound humility." Throughout his career, he fought for Hawai'i and for the Native

Hawaiian people. The eulmination of this work was the Native

Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act whieh he first introduced in 1999. Commonly known as the "Akaka Bill," this bill would have provided parity in a government-to-government relationship between the Native Hawaiian people and the federal government. Political pundits try to eall the fact that this legislation never passed a great failure of the Senator's. I disagree, He succeeded

in raising the cause of our lāhui to a national platform and in building a 3trong legislative record af consistent 3upport. All ensuing legislation for Native Hawaiians introduced at the federal

level, and even legislation enacted locally in Hawai'i, comes on the heels of Senator Akaka's neverending commitment to us. He was a work horse, not a show horse. In a town like Washington, where people are boastful about the tiniest of accomplishments, Senator Akaka worked quietly yet diligently and dutifully. I got to experience this drive firsthand in working with Senator Akaka on federal programs for Native Hawaiians. In all of my interactions with Senator Akaka, he was always humhle, forthright, and genuine. You could feel the aloha he had for you just by talking with him. He and his wife, Aunty Millie, brought the Aloha spirit to the halls of Congress. His retirement in 2013 left behind a great void for our lāhui and for Hawai'i but his passing leaves an even bigger void. I will forever cherish my interactions with Senator Akaka and the time we spent together. He was truly a one-of-a-kind treasure of Hawai'i. ■

Cūlette Y. Machado Chsir, TrustEE Mūluka'i and Lāna'i

1 Sen. ūaniel K. Akaka and OHA Chair Colette Y. ' Machūdo. - Photo: Courtesy