Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 5, 1 Mei 2018 — Kualapu'u Public Conversion Charter School [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kualapu'u Public Conversion Charter School
GHA Granteo Froject Pū' ilu is a scHool-based, childhood obesity prevention and treairrian i p::oprani that operates at the Kualapu'u Public Cop"ercicn Charter School en. tlis island of Meloka'i. Currently the oroject serves b20 students in grades K-6 (283 or 88 percent are Native Hawaiian). The aeai 01 :he project is to improve the heahh of students, families and the commu.rity through an ev:dence-based approach that engages stude:its tnd thei:r families in regular physical activity and healthier e itmg tha positively imp?:Cts student learning. Survev data £ hows that (1) 90 perr'.nt of the student respondents said they like havng Physical Hducation classes every day; and (2) students are eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer sugar sweetened beverages. This data shows a positive trend in affecting students' attitudes anū behaviors toward healthy lifestyle choices. Assessments also show a reduction in students' average body mass index (BMI). Screening services are also available to the students through the OHA grant. With the help of a community volunteer, 211 students recently participated in vision screening; 11 were deemed in need of glasses.
Kualhpu'u School's Pū'olo project promotes student health with doily pli/sical education md isii~g locally sonrced ingredients in school meals. - Photo: Courtesy 01 Kuolopu'u Public Omemn Charta Scbcol