Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 3, 1 March 2018 — MO'OLELO NUI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Malaki I March 2018 I Vol. 35, No. 4 ,,ww" | ",w w" "w ,w | "w" WWJ "w" ■

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Ke Kanakolu murals celebrate 'Ōlelo Hawai'i >age m

BYTREENASHAPIRO A 10-mural project spanning five islands tells the story of Kalapana while celebrating 30 years of Hawaiian language immersion education in public schools.

'ōlelu a ka luna hu'omalu | message frūm īhe chair Setting the record straight page 4 BY COLETTE MAGHADO Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Chairwoman Colette Machado responds to a recent state audit of the agency.

mo'omeheu | culture lillana Moment: John I "Prime" Hina pahe 8

" John "Prime" Hina, one of Hawai'i's most prominent urban artists, talks about the mana that goes into the community mural making process.

mauli ula i healīh Hawaiian healthcare traditions endnre page 13 BY NANEA ARMSTRONG-WASSEL

Rooted in spirituality and balance, traditional Native Hawaiian systems of healthcare sustained generations of kānaka.

John "Prime" Hina. - Photo: Courtesy Ke Kanakolu