Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 3, 1 March 2018 — Waimea Ocean Film Festival on tour [ARTICLE]

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Waimea Ocean Film Festival on tour

Eaeh January, the Waimea Oeean Fihn Festival presents more than 60 films on Hawai'i Island, increasing understanding of the oeean environment and island culture through giant surf, marine life, intemational expeditions and oeean action and adventure, This year, Matson is bring a selection of these films to O'ahu on March 23 and 24 at Hawai'i Theatre. Onee finalized, the film schedule and ticket prices will be posted on the websites for the Hawai'i Theatre Center - hawaiitheatre.com - and the Waimea Oeean Film Festival - waimeaoceanfilm.org. Celebrate science all month long The Hi-Sci Festival at Bishop Museum celebrates science throughout March with planetarium shows, scientist and researcher talks, and lectures from Hōkūle'a crew members. The feature event is "Fall in Love with Science Discovery Day" on March 1 8, whieh offers ffee admission to members and those who pre-register. Other events include "PlutoPalooza," a showing of the "Chasing Coral" documentary on March 22, a science talk on "Exploring the Deep Coral Reefs of Papahānaumokuākea" on March 24, and "The Real 'Moana' Story: How Polynesians Explored, Discovered and Settled the Eastern Pacific" on March 29. Some of the events will be held away from the museum. On March 6, Bishop Museum takes over Anna 0'Brien's for Nerd Night, where scientists will share their weirdest specimens and nerdy occupations. On March 8, a scientist evening will be presented in

the Hōkūlani Imaginarium at Windwaid Community College, Visit bishopmuseum.org for a full schedule and to buy tickets. Conservation internships available Huliauapa'a's Wahi Kupuna Internship Program offers a ehanee to learn about the culture, history and practices of Hōnaunau and Ke'ei while earning a $1,600 stipend and college credits. March 9 is the deadline to apply for the biocultural resource management internship, whieh runs July 2 to Aug. 3. Visit www.huliauapaa.org or email huliauapaa@gmail.com for information and applications. Educational awards are also available through conservation and youth education organization Kupu, whieh offers summer and year-round programs of its own that provide hands-on training in green fields, as well as environmental stewardship experiences for youth ages 17-20. "These programs offer cultural and environmental education and provide unique hands-on job train-

ing and skills that have helped so many of our program alumni to establish successful careers in Hawai'i's green jobs workforce," said John Leong, Kupu CEO. Kupu is seeking approximately 80 team members and 17 team leaders on Kaua'i, O'ahu, Maui, Moloka'i and west and east Hawai'i Island. Visit kupuhawaii.org to find applications and learn more about the different opportunities. ■