Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 3, 1 March 2018 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MAMo AĪĪHE WAILOA ART CENTER • April 2 - 27, 2018 | Wniloa Arts and Cultural Center (200 Piopio St. Hilo, Hl 96720) i 'EWALU Curators: Ka'ohu Seto, Nelson Mukuo, Jimie Rumos ■ MAMo AWARDEES EXHIBIT at THE ARTS at Marks Garage • May 1 - 26, 2018 j 2018 MAMo Awardees: Verna Takashima & Charlie Dickson \ ARTS at Morks Goroge (1 1 59 Nu'uanu Ave. Honolulu, Hl 9681 7) J Hours: Tuesday - Soturdoy, 1 1 AM - 6 PM Eoeh yeor, MAMo recognizes the ortistic ond educotionol contributions of Notive Howaiian moster ortists who exemplify the ortist/educotor. FREE ADMISSION. MAMo FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK • MAY 4, 201 8 ARTS at Morks Goroge (1 1 59 Nu'uanu Ave. Honolulu, Hl 9681 7) Hours: 1 1 AM - 9 PM Feoturing Notive Howaiian ortists. FREE ADMISSION. MAMo NIGHT MARKET AT HELUMOA • May 5, 2018 Royol Howaiian Center (2201 Kolōkoua Ave. Honolulu, Hl 96815) Hours: 4 PM - 9 PM Notive Howoiion Arts Morkel ot Helumoo, the Royol Grove ot the Royol Howoiian Center. Also feoturing live entertoinment and u mini foshion showl FREE ADMISSION. MAMo of fhe PA'AKAI MARKETPLACE • Moy 18 - 19, 2018 SALT ot Our Kuka'ako (660 Alo Moona Blvd. Honolulu, Hl 9681 3) Hours: 5 PM - 9 PM Notive Howoiion orts morket ot SALT ot Our Kuko'oko in Honolulu. Also feoturing live enlertainmenl ond o mini foshion show! FREE ADMISSION. MAMo WEARABLE ART SH0W - HONOLULU • Moy 30, 2018 MAMo Wearable Art Show, lapa Ballroom, Hillon Hawaiian Village An evening of Food ond Wine, Foshion & Fun! Feoturing notive ortists, cultural practitioners and designers. Wilh celebrity hosts: VI C KY H0LT TAKAMINE and RŪBERT CAZIMER0. Trunkshowtofollow. MAMo of the MACC Show starts at 7:30 PM, Trunk Show to follow in Morgado Holl This is N0T your lypicol foshion show! Feoturing notive ortists, culturol practitioners ond designers with o focus on Maui county ortists. With celebrity hosts: VICKY H0LT ĪAKAMINE and R0BERT CAZIMER0. Trunk show to follow in Morgodo Holl.
