Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2018 — pepeluali [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
CALENDAR LISTINGS To have a loeal event listed in our monthly calendar, email kwo@ oha.org at least six weeks in advance. Make sure to inolude the location, price, date andtime. If available, please attach a highresolution (300 dpi) photograph with your email.
Maui gets its own production of Kumu Kahua Theatre's "Wild Birds." ■ Photo: Kumu Kahua Theatre
A WILD BIRDS Feb. 2-3, 7 p.m. Kumu Kahua Thcatrc's production of "Wild Birds" heads to Maui. The play, inspired by historieal events, explores intense cultural clashes and how ali'i were impacted by western education. $28. Maui Arts & Cultural Center, McCoy Studio Theatre, MauiArts.org, (808) 242-SHOW.
GENEALOGY 0F PUNISHMENT IN HAWAI'I Feb 1, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The I Ola no Emmalani series closes with a talk by RaeDeen M. Keahiolalo, Ph.D., about the history of punishment and incarceration in Hawai'i dating back to the public hanging of Chief Kamanawa II in Honolulu. Free. Emmalani Hale, 2913 Pali Highway, daughters ofhawaii.org. MAKAHIKI KUILIMA Feb. 3, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy Hawaiian games, demonstrations, lomilomi, hula, crafters, artisans, free health screenings and more, and support Ke Kula 'o S.M. Kamakau Hawaiian Immersion Charter School by participating in a 5K run/walk at 9 a.m. Free makahiki admission, $20-$30 for the 5K.Turtle Bay Resort, goo.gl/2FWhwQ. Cosponsored by OHA. LILI'UOKALANI FESTIVAL Feb. 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy food, culture and art in Hale'iwa and participate in kapa making, lauhala and coconut weav-
ing, lei making, poi pounding, Hawaiian games, as well as exhibits on voyaging, Ni'ihau shells and Kūkaniloko Birthing Stones. Amy Hanaiali'i is the featured entertainer. Free. Lili'uokalani Protestant Church, empoweroahu@gmail. eom. Co-sponsored by OHA. WAYFINDERS WEEKEND Feb. 3-4 Celebrate the art and science of wayfinding through Bishop Museum's collections, interactive stations, the Holo Moana: Generations of Voyaging exhibit and a virtual reality experience aboard the Hōkūle'a. Included with admission ($24.95 general with discounts for kama'āina, keiki, military and seniors). Bishop Museum, bishopmuseum.org. PĀHOA HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENT Feb. 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A 5K fun run, healthy food booths, makahiki games, cultural activities and demonstrations are all part of the Pāhoa Complex Schools Heahh & Wellness Event aimed at
helping the community learn about health, wellness and health-centered practices. Free. Pāhoa Community Center, 15-2910 Puna Road, pahoahis.org. Sponsored by OH a
"WAYFINDERS : A PACIFIC ODYSSEY' I ILM SCREENING Feb. 11, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Watch the awardwinning PBS documentary focused
on the revival of Polynesian wayfinding, followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Gail
Evenari. Free with advance online registration. Bishop Museum, Atherton Hālau, bishop
museum.org/special-events. VALENTINE'S DAY DINNER AT WAIMEA VALLEY Feb. 14, 5 p.m. Enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner by Ke Nui Khehen along with live music at The Proud Peaeoek. $74 per person for a prix fixe menu, tickets available on EventBrite. Waimea Valley,
waimeavalley.net/events/view/ valentines-day-dinner. 'ŌPŪKAHA'IA CELEBRATION 17, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This event will eelebrate the life of Henry 'Ōpūkaha'ia, the young Hawaiian who inspired
he Sandwich lsland Mission. Onsite activities
include history theatre, lectures, family activities and tours. Free,
Henry 'Ōpūkaha'ia ■ lllustration: Courtesy
with an ophon to order a Hawaiian plate for $15. Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site, missionhouses. org/event-calendar/3. Sponsored in part by an OHA 'Ahahui Grant. MEDICINAL PLANT TOUR Feb. 17, 10:30 a.m. Learn about the plants and trees that were used as natural remedies before modern medicine during a
tour of Foster Botanical Gardens. Included in garden admission, $5 general with discounts for kama'āina and keiki. Reservations required, eall 768-7135.
KS KAPĀLAMA ANNUAL HO'OLAULE'A Feb. 24, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kamehameha Schools Kapālama hosts its 93rd annual Ho'olaule'a withentertainment, 'onofood,exclusive shopping, fun and games. Free parking on campus and at Kapālama Elementary School, with shuttle service from 7 a.m. KS Kapālama Konia Field, facebook.com/ hoolauleakamehameha. ART LUNCH: PETROGLYPHS IN HAWAI'I Feb. 27, noon to 1 p.m. Bring your luneh to a monthly "meet the artist" presentation, this month featuring Lynn Cook speaking about Petroglyphs in Hawai'i. Free. Hawai'i State Art Museum, www.facebook.com/hawaiistate artmuseum, 586-9958. E MAU PĀ'INA PANINA Feb. 28, 6 to 8 p.m. This is the closing event for both the E MAU exhibit and the PA'I Arts Gallery in its current loeahon. Taking inspiration from the hui of Queen Lili'uokalani's "He Mele Lāhui Hawai'i," E MAU celebrates the perseverance of our indigenous artistic community. Free. PA'I Arts Gallery at Kālia, Ala Moana Center, mauka wing, 945-7425. ■
Hau'oli Akaka and 'Ekela Kanīaupi'o Crozier will host this years' Ho'olaulea at Kamehameha Schools Kapōlama. ■ Photo: Courtesy Kamehameha Schools Kapālama