Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 1, 1 January 2018 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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KILOHANA lnnovative, four- and five-week Hawaiian culture-based summer math and literacy programs for non-Kamehameha students in the third grade and middle school. Residency requirements vary by program.
SUMMERSCHOOL Summer courses available at eaeh of our 3 campus locations: • KS Maui: Hālau 'O Kapikohānaiāmālam • KS Hawai'i: Hālau Kupukupu lnnovations Academy • KS Kapālama Summer School Program details vary by campus.
Si?n up for Kamohameha Schooli Direct līlail Litt! Timely, customized updates sent directly to your email or mailbox: program application notifications, community news and events, scholarship information and mueh more! www.ksbe.edu/directmail