Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 1, 1 January 2018 — 2018 [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
KAUAUA - Kauaua 'Ohana reunion 2018 will be held on Kauai at the Lydgate Park, Wailua on June 22 to 24, 2018. Information and registration form ean be found on websites KauauaOhana. eom; KauauaOhanaKauai.com; and FacebookKauauaKauai. Plan early to reserve your aeeommodations and rent-acar. Call Clarence Ariola Jr. (808) 639-9637 or email cariolajr@Hawai'i. rr.com for more information.
| KIPI-KAHELE - The descendants of the unions of Katherine Kaahea & Samuel Kipi and 1 Katherine Kaahea & William Miliona Kahele ' will be gathering on O'ahu at Mā'ili Beach Park ] in Mā'ili on Friday, April 27, 2018 - Sunday, i April 29, 2018. Camp setup begins Friday with pot blessing and movie night. Saturday includes l Continental Breakfast, luneh and pa'ina through- i out the day. Saturday's agenda: cultural activities, scavenger hunt, entertainment, BINGO ' and fellowship. T-shirts & tank tops will be ' on sale designed by John Kahele, Jr. Order 1 forms available by calling Doreen Sylva (808) 1
520-4065 / email: doreensylva@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing you, our 'ohana, in Mā'ili, O'ahu in April 2018. To receive Family Meeting email or text us your address. For more contact Pauahi Leoiki (808) 4455352 or email cpleoiki@gmail.com or eall or text Kapua Kahele (808) 259-9456. Let's contact all 'ohana to join us in 2018. 'A hui hou!!! - Joseph Lovell a me Mary Mele Holokahiki Family reunion.Start planning your trip to the beautiful Kohala Coast, Hawai'i. July 12-15, 2018.
Mary Mele Holokahiki was born in Polulu Valley. We will be gathering to celebrate together our Hawaiian Heritage and this union. We need your kokua: serve on a committee, donate or plan to attend. Please contact the family email lovell.holokahiki@ gmail.com or eall Teri 808-494-5384. KU AKAH ELA-KALI MAON AON A - The descendants of Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona is scheduled for July 28 and 29 2018 in Kailua-Kona at Makaeo Events Pavilion. Children: Naiheauhau, Kealohapauole, Kaunahi, Kaaihue, Kamau, Kimona (Simeona), Malia, Wahinelawaia and J. K. Kuakahela. Please eome and join us to plan this 2-day event. Please contact Agnes if you have questions 808-987-1884. ROBINS-FRIEDENBURG - Save the date July 14, 2018. Family of Thomas Robins and Victoria Friedenburg will be gathering in Ka'u on the Big Island next summer. More information to follow. Please contact the family emails at robinsfamily808@ gmail.com, robins2friedenburg@ gmail.com, or eall Kim at (808) 929-7130. t