Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2018 — E Ala E — Arise and Awaken The Light Within... Future Strong! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

E Ala E — Arise and Awaken The Light Within... Future Strong!


E Ala E - Arise and Awaken The Light Within. . .Future Strong! A new year has begun. . .and we should seek to attain greater inner peaee and through our culture we gain knowledge for our daily lives. I love this chant! It is one of my favorites. — (from Mana'o Ulu Wale-Random Musings) E ala e, ka lā i ka hikina, Awaken/Arise, the sun in the east I ka moana, ka moana hohonu, From the oeean, the deep oeean, Pi'i ka lewa, ka lewa nu'u.

Climbing to heaven, the highest heaven,

I ka hikina, aia ka la, e ala e! In the east, there is the sun, arise! Our Hawaiian culture believes that wisdom is held within; it is innate and one should seek to awaken and arise with it! Our culture has a truly unique method of weaving this enlightenment into its chants. A marvelous chant called, "E Ala E" refers to an old saying: "Piha ka pea i ka eka e". Metaphorically speaking, this really means: People eome to Kona to fill their sails of knowledge so they ean move forward like a eanoe. The Hawaiian people will never allow their heritage to disappear. It is fiercely and lawfully protected forever! (Article entitled "Tour filled with Hawaiian history," The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 2011 November 6) Kumu Hula Pualani Kanahele also uses another traditional chant "E Iho Ana" on Mauna Kea before the Sunrise: E iho ana o luna

E pi'i ana o lalo E hui ana na moku E ku ana ka paia The high will be brought low The low will be Iifted up The islands will be united The walls shall stand upright Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole wrote lyrics for his song also entitled E Ala E: We the voices behind the face Of the Hawaiian nation, the Hawaiian race

Rise for justice that day has eome

For all our People to stand as One, EAla E, E Ala E E Ala E, 'ea, 'ea, 'ea E Ala E, 'ea, 'ea, 'ea E huli i ka ho'i i ka pakini alamihi Gone are the days of the alamihi ways E kiko i ka piko o ka | mana o ka po'e The power of the people

is our piko 'O ka piko ke aloha o ka 'aina, 0 ka 'aina We the warriors born to live On what the land and sea ean give Defend our birthright to be free Give our children liberty. E Ala E, 'ea, 'ea, 'ea E Ala E, 'ea, 'ea, 'ea EAlaE EAlaE EAlaE EAlaE Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's "E Ala E" ean be viewed at www.youtube.com/ watch?v=7BqZPLNoaos. So Remember as we enter this new year of 2018... E Ala E! - Arise, Wake Up, Rise Up! Hau'oli Makahiki Hou... in this "Year of The Hawaiian" as well as the "Year of the Loyal Dog!" A hui hou till next month, Trustee 'Ala (Leina'ala) ■

Leina'ala Ahu lsa. Ph.D. TrjstEB, At-lsrgE

Sunrise. ■ Photo: Nightfire201/YouTube