Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2017 — Commercial 'ulu facility wins funding [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Commercial 'ulu facility wins funding


By Lisa Asato

MūIū Kalu'ulu owners Noū Lineoln and Dana Shapiro won the $20,000 Mahi'ai Scale-Up grand prize,- Photo: Courtesy Kamehameha Schools

Malā Kalu 'ulu, a cooperative business that grows 'ulu and 'ōlena in Ke'ei, Hawai'i, received the $20,000 grand prize in the 2017 Mahi'ai Scale-Up agricultural business plan contest for its nronosal to

establish Hawai'i's first commercial facility for 'ulu, a traditional Polynesian staple known as breadfruit. Kamehameha Schools and the Pauahi Foundation awarded the prize Nov. 1 at the Hawai'i Food & Wine Festival's Raw & Wild in the Tank event, where Kaunāmano Farm, a Hilo-based producer of Berkshire hogs, earned the People's Choice Award of $10,000 in a

live vote by attendees. Mahi'ai Scale-Up targets and challenges seasoned individuals and entities in the agricultural industry to grow and enhanee theirbusiness by implementing a new program or initiative. Both awardees are previous winners of the Mahi'ai Match-Up agricultural business plan contest, whieh has granted five-year agreements to seven startups that utilize KS lands and seed money to execute their business plans. The overall effort aims to increase food security and sustainability in Hawai'i. "We have our own farnr but also represent 27 additional breadfruit farmers, so it helps build a movement. It's a collective dream that's coming true," said Noa Lineoln, who operates Malā Kalu'ulu with his wife, Dana Shapiro. "Kamehameha Schools is a key stakeholder in addressing a lot of the agricultural challenges in the state, and it's great to see a progranr like Mahi'ai ScaleUp because it demonstrates

how mueh good KS ean do. People in the state need to step up to increase diversified agriculture production, and for us, KS granting access to land and capital has been instmmental to growing and building our operation." Kaunāmano Farm's "scaled-UD busi-

ness concept" would use modern tools and materials to "replicate and

economize the ancient ahupua'a system, particularly the way wai (water) plays a key role throughout the ahupua'a. By creating a livestock watering structure that incorporates biological filters similar to those found within the ahupua'a system, the end result will be cleaner water, richer soil and healthier livestock." Brandon Lee, who operates Kaunāmano Fai'm with Kaikena Scanlan, said: "We need to look at sustainability not as a flavor or as a nrarketing buzzword, but as a history of the Native Hawaiian people who were able to live in these islands while thriving and being successful in the most isolated land mass in the world. The Mahi'ai Scale-Up allows us to let everybody know what we're doing on the farm and it's great for Hawai'i. It takes work, and I'm willing to do the work." Of the People's Choice Award, Lee added, "It's like being the most popular kid in school!" Contest senrifinalists were: 'Āina Pono Livestock & Land Maintenance LLC, a Hilo-based conrpany raising goats and sheep for food consumption and to keep as

pets; Island Mana'ia LLC, based in Hawai'i Kai, producer of value-added cassava snack products; Ka Papa O He'e Kalo, cultivating kalo, 'awa and eaeao through modenr and traditional farming practices in Punalu'u, O'ahu; and Keiki and Plow, a Hawai'i Kai farm growing various organic vegetables and fmits and offering organic eggs through immersive agriculture. "As a large agricultural landowner, KS believes in supporting Hawai'i's food security initiatives and stimulating the econonry by increasing the number of loeal agricultural producers," said KS Senior Land Asset Mairager Kalani Fronda. ■

Berkshire hog producer Kaunōmano Farm won the $10,000 People's Choice Award. - Photo: Courtesy Kamehameha Schoo/s

Dana Shapiro of Mōla Kalu'ulu and Brandon Lee of Kaunōmano Farm at the Mahi'ai Scale-Up awards. - Photo: Courtesy Kamehameha Schoo/s