Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2017 — Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship celebrates graduation of first cohort; announces second round [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship celebrates graduation of first cohort; announces second round

By Kauanoe Batangan \ative Hawaiians are significantly impacted by federal policy and its implementation - yet many of these policy decisions are made thousands of miles from our shores, often by policymakers with little knowledge of the Native Hawaiian community. The Kamehameha Schools and Office of Hawaiian Affairs are attempting to address these challenges through the Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship, whieh just wrapped up its first year. The two Native Hawaiian-serving organizations are pleased to announee the commencement of a second round. The Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship is a eommitment to developing 'ōiwi leaders who ean help shape society through political participation. Fellows spend nine months working in Congressional offices, with opportunities for individual mentorships and private meetings with senior policymakers. The fellowship was launched as part of OHA's Native Hawaiian Public Service Pipeline, whieh also includes

Kalie Kamelamela, Jennifer Romero, Democratic Staff Director for the U.S. Senate Committee on lndian Affairs, and 'Alohi Bikle - Photo: Courtesy internships and other opportunities to learn about and influenee federal policy, with the ultimate goal of developing

leaders who will help make positive advances in their lives and our community. The fellowship's first cohort was made up of three women with distinct backgrounds and interests. Catelin Aiwohi, posted in the Office of Senator Brian Schatz, | eame to D.C. after working in the education field. 'Alohi Bikle, Fellow for U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono, worked in communications before heading to D.C. Congresswoman I Gabbard's Fellow, Katie Kamelamela, was and is in the process of finishing her Ph.D. in Botany at the University of Hawai'i, Mānoa. All three women note the importance not just of their per- \ sonal experiences through this fellowship, but ensuring the : opportunity to work within their communities to assist other f kānaka in effectively engaging with the federal government. Those interested in applying for the second round of the • Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship should visit www.oha.org/dcinternships, or follow OHA on social media, to learn more about this and other fellowship opportunities. ■