Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2017 — 2017-2018 NATIVE HAWAIIAN SCHOLARSHIP 'AHA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
This all-day event consists of three sessions whieh will engage the entire student body at Lāna'i High and Elementary School. The day begins with two sessions of workshops for the older students in sixth through twelfth grades. Students will rotate through small group sessions in whieh pre-
senters will give in-depth and hands-on overviews of their professions. The next portion of the day's sessions will include the elementary student body, getting children aware of these opportunities at an early age. The last portion of the fair is an open fair session during whieh students will have the opportunity to walk around and visit with individual presenters, ask questions, and participate in short activities. Natalie Misaki Ropa of the Lāna'i High and Elementary School Foundation shares her own mana'o on the
?athways. This vear we will bring Rayton Lcimay, LHES Alumni anel 'oeal celebrity, home to be a part jfthe College and Career Fair. Immediately :ollowing the eolege and career :air, Lāna'i will _iost the Native Hawaiian Scholarship 'Aha, at 5:30 onip n-iia, ai j.ju
p.m. in the Lāna'i High and Elementary cafeteria. The Native Hawaiian Scholarship 'Aha is cosponsored by the University of Hawai'i, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Kamehameha Schools, Paeihe Financial Aid Assoeiahon, UH Maui College Educational Opportunity Center, and the Native Hawaiian Education Association. More information on the other Native Hawaiian Scholarship 'Aha scheduled for 2017 ean be found on the OHA website at https://www.oha. org/scholarships. ■
i Lōna'i High and Elementary School j