Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2017 — How does Queen Lili'uokalani's legacy resonate today? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
How does Queen Lili'uokalani's legacy resonate today?
īo honor the centennial of Queen Lili'uokalani's passing, we asked attendees of the 2017 Native Hawaiian Convention to share their thoughts about her lasting legacy. - Kawena Carvalho-Mattos
Andy Ah Po Even after 100 years, with her mele 'Kanaka Waiwai' anel when she talked about how she rather eat the pōhaku than give up the fight for our land, that I think is something that we've always continued, at least those of my generation, continues to cling to...The bottom line is to not give up, to continue to fight no matter what. She not only embodied that in her words, but in the way she lived out the last years of her life as well.
Myrna Bucasas I feel lost, but l'm so happy that some of things she's brought back to us Hawaiians is hula and our culture, I feel that what they did to her was really wrong and they locked her up for all the things she tried to do for her people. It's a sad story about what happened to her. It makes me cry. It makes me proud to be a Hawaiian.
La Noa '0 Pono Keahionu'uanu I think about my childhood because of the Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center. They were there for me when my father passed away. So as a child they really impacted me. They were there to piek me up and my mom at the same time. Just growing up and now as an adult, I appreciate what she left behind, the trust and legacy that she has left behind for her Hawaiian children.
Wai'ale'ale Sarsona Mai ka hiki ana mai o ka ho'okahi haneli makahiki o ko Lili'uokalani hala 'ana, he ho'omana'o kēia i ka lāhui i ko mākou kuleana iā ia a i ko mākou kuleana no nā hānauna e hiki mai ana. With the coming of Lili'uokalani's anniversary ofher passing is the reminder tousof our kuieana to the lāhui and our kuieana to future generations.
Pauline Kupo She's monarchy. I think we should treat her as monarchy, even after she's gone. She's still and always will be monarchy in our eyes.