Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2017 — A LEGACY THAT INSPIRES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
On the 100th year of her passing, Queen Lili'uokalani serves as an inspiration for the Lili'uokalani Trust (LT) to eourageously innovate and blaze pathways towards its vision of thriving Hawaiian children. Consider the trauma the Queen experienced in her lifetime — a measles epidemic, the death of her husband and brother, the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a trial and imprisonment, and a failed campaign to hloek Annexation. The Queen remained resilient despite her suffering. In 1909, she established LT to help the most vulnerable children, specifically, those orphaned or otherwise destitute. Creating pathways to thriving Today, Native Hawaiian children are overrepresented in statistics on teen pregnancy, youth incarceration, poverty and homelessness ( see below). LT Chairman Thomas Kaulukukui, Jr. notes that, "the needs of disadvantaged keiki persist over
decades and increase in scale; it is ineumbent on us to nurture the resiliency of our kamali'i." LT aims to change these trends and to shift its focus to the wellbeing of our kamali 'i. Charged last year by the trustees to end the cycle of poverty for Native Hawaiians, LT has reorganized and unveiled a new strategic direction and vision. Visioning the future The leadership of LT recognizes that maximizing its impact is its kuleana. "We are blessed with a growing endowment that allows us to dream big. We're self-funded and independent so we ean do things others cannot," said Robert Ozaki, President and Chief Executive Officer. "If we don't dream up to undertake the big stuff, then shame on us," he said. "In an exponential world, where everything is changing really fast, we need to take larger steps, leaps, and risks to prepare our kids for a new world."
LT recently shifted its approach: focusing their high-impact programs and services on the most vulnerable Native Hawaiian kamali'i and expanding their impact with a bold, multi-pronged approach — one that invites community partnerships, relies on measurable results, and values the ability to stay nimhle and change with the changing times. In addressing the necessary change that LT is undergoing, Chairman Kaulukukui said: "We are going to serve our Hawaiian children better, with lasting effects. We are going to make systemic changes to attack the core maladies that plague our children. We are going to positively affect current and future generations of Hawaiian ehildren in ways that no organization has." It's a bold and ambitious vision, and yet one that directly honors and builds on the Queen's dream. "Her legacy," said Kaulukukui, "is our inspiration." ■
Believing in the importance of physical activity, the joy of play, and healthy choices, LT launched its youth athletics pathway this past summer with a collaboration between LT and the UH Mānoa Athletics Department. Seventy-three Hawaiian middle school students from across the State eame to the UH Mānoa campus to explore various sports with UH athletes from the basketball, soccer, softball, and football teams. - photo: Courtesy Lili'uokalani Trust
Through a partnership with world renowned Alvin Ailey Arts In Education, LT launched its creative development pathway with a two-week Spring dance eamp. Fifly 'ōpio eame from across the state to explore their creative potential through dance, culminating in a performance at Hawai'i Theatre. - photo: Courtesy Uli'uokalani Trust
LILniOKHLHHI TRUST TIHELIHE >September 2, 1838 Lydia Lili'u Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamaka'eha is born >January 1891 Lili'uokalani ascends the throne upon the death of King Kalākaua >January 17, 1893 Queen Lili'uokalani yields her throne to avoid bloodshed >December 2, 1909 Queen Lili'uokalani executes a Deed of Trust establishing Lili'uokalani Trust (LT) >November 11, 1917 Queen Lili'uokalani dies of a stroke at Washington Plaee attheageof 79 >1935-1941 LT's child welfare program operates under the Children'sService Association >1941-1946 LT's Child Welfare Services operates as a distinct unit within Child & Family Service >1946 LT Child Welfare Department becomes a welfare agencyin itsown right >1970 - 1990 •Expands services to include community outreach, adding to individual children and 'ohana services •Publishes Nānā I Ke Kumu (vol I in 1972 & vol. II in 1979), whieh lay the scholarly foundation for Native Hawaiian cultural social work practice •Establishes offices on neighbor islands >2002 A self-determined LT brings endowment management in-house >2015 •Creates a vision of E nā kamalei lupalupa (thriving Hawaiian children) •Accepts challenge by trustees to break the cycle of poverty and focus programs on the most vulnerable of our Native Hawaiian people