Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 9, 1 September 2017 — kepakemapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
HINALUA'IKO'A & KALO Tlirough Sept. 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Catch sculptor and installation artist Bernice Akamine's new series of sculptures, Hinalua'iko'a, and traveling installation Kalo, before the exhibition closes Sept. 8. Free. Kahilu Theatre's Kohala and Hamakua galleries, www.kahilu theatre.org, (808) 885-6868. 'ONIPA'A 2017 Sept. 3, 10 a.m. Celebrate the 179th birthday of Queen Lili'uokalani at the llth Annual 'Onipa'a Celebration. An interfaith service will be held at noon and a tribute through hula and oli begins at 3:30 p.m. The eollaborative mural, Aloha 'Āina will also be unveiled. "Mai Poina: The Overthrow" walking tours begin at 4 p.m. and continue Sept. 4, 9 and 10. Free. 'Iolani Palaee. Reservations for Mai Poina are required, www.hawaiiponoi.info. KĀKUA KA PĀ'Ū: A DISCUSSION ON 'A'AHU HULA Sept. 7, 7:30 p.m. Several Maui kumu hula will participate in a panel discussion on the mindful and creative decisions that go into dressing an 'olapa (dancer) for their own hālau, and show the process step-by-step. $15. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, McCoy Studio Threatre, www.maui arts.org, (808) 242-SHOW (7469).
'IKE KUPUNA - RAISING HAWAIIAN FAMILIES Sept. 8, 5 p.m. Part of the I Ola No Emmalani - Traditions Across the Life Cycle series, Dr. Carol Titcomb will discuss traditional Hawaiian family practices. Free. Emmalani Hale at Hānaiakamālama (Queen Emma's Summer Palaee), inNu'uanu. More information under news at www. papaolalokahi.org. HAWAPI ISLAND FESTIVAL - 30 DAYS OF ALOHA Sept. 8, 5:30 p.m. (Ms. AīohaNui Pageant) Sept. 9, 11 a.m. (poke contest), 5:30 p.m. (falsetto contest) The Hawai'i Island Festival kicks off with the Ms. Aloha Nui Pageant on Sept. 9, followed by a poke contest the next moming and a falsetto contest Saturday evening.
Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, www.hawaiiisland A |
festival.org. HAWAI'I ISLAND FESTIVAL OF BIRDS Sevt. 15-17
This second-annual familyfriendly festival will feature expert guest speakers, a trade show for outdoor and birding equipment, bird-themed arts and crafts, pho-
tography and painting workshops, a birding film festival and more. $10 general admission for ages 16 and up. Sheraton Kona Convention Center. Visit birdfesthawaii.org for tickets and information on related events. ACCESSING RESOURCES FOR NATIVE HAWAIIANS Sept. 15, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This free digital literacy workshop will go over Internet navigation, Hawaiian databases, genealogy research, Hawaiian language, hula and more. Maile Alau, Keikilani Meyer, Rae-Anne Montague and Ku'uleilani Reyes will present. Sponsored in part by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Free. To register, visit https://www. oha.org/digitalliteracyevent, email kaimom@oha.org or eall 5940232. Hālau 'Inana, 2438
Beretania Street, www. halauinana.com. WAIMEA PANIOLO PARADE AND HO'OLAULE'A Sept. 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Part of the 2017 Hawai'i
Island Festival, the parade runs throu2h the town
from Waimea Cherry Blossom Park to the baseball field, with a ho'olaule'a immediately following the parade. Free. www.hawaii islandfestival.org.
12TH ANNUAL KŪMAIKAHULA Sept. 8, 6 p.m. Sept. 9, 1 p.m. Maui's only adult hula competition features solo competition on Sept. 8 and group competition and awards on Sept. 9. $25, or $45 for a two-day pass. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Castle Theatre, www. mauiarts.org, (808) 242-SHOW (7469). MANA MAOLI VIDEO LAUNCH Sept. 20, 6 to 9 p.m. Amy Hanaiali'i Oilliom, Paula Fuga, īaimane, Lehua Kalima, Kamakakēhau Fernandez, Pōmaika'i Lyman, hālau hula, Hawaiian charter youth and more will perform at the video premiere of Mana Maoli/Playing for Change's new collaboration: "Island Style - 'Ōiwi Ē." Ward Village - IBM Courtyard, manamele. org. 2017 HAWAI'I'S WOODSHOW Sept. 23-Oct. 8, TuesdaysSundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hawai'i's Woodshow, "Nā Lā'au o Hawai'i," celebrates the 25th anniversary of its annual juried woodworking exhibition featuring Hawai'i-grown woods. Free. Honolulu Museum of Art School Galleries at Linekona, woodshow. hawaiiforest.org.
KO OLINA CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL Sept. 23, 2 to 8 p.m. Support Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children while enjoying live performances, family films and activities, music and video studios and a sunset movie on the heaeh at the 4th annual festival. $25, with discounts for keiki. Ko Olina Resort, Kohala Lagoon 1, koolinachildrensfestival.com. FRIENDS OF HŌKŪLE'A AND HAWAI'ILOA FUNDRAISER Sept. 24, 2 to 5 p.m. Support the perpetuation of Hawaiian eanoe building traditions and values at a fundraiser that will help rebuild the masts, booms and spars of Hawai'iloa. John Cruz, Robi Kahakalau, Kawika Kahiapo, Donald Kaulia and special guests will perform. Admission includes entertainment, heavy pupus, beer, wine, soft drinks and a silent auehon. $40 presale, $50 at the door. Hard Rock Cafe Waiklkl, fhh-hawaiiloa.eventbrite.com. ART OF THE CHANTER Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1, 2 p.m. Kumu Hula Keali'i Reichel's Hālau Ke'alaokamaile continues its three decade concert series highlighting the skill of individual chanters. $35. UH Kennedy Theatre Mainstage, http://kealao kamaile.com. Tickets also available at Manaola Ala Moana and Kealopiko Ward Village. ■
MOLOKA'I CANOE FESTIVALS 4TH ANNUAL KULĀIA CELEBRATION Sept. 22, 5 to 10 p.m. In conjunction with Nā Wahine o Ke Kai Moloka'i to O'ahu outrigger eanoe races on Sept. 24, downtown Kaunakakai will be transformed into a hloek festival featuring performances by Keauhou, Henry Kapono & Friends, Josh Tatofi and others; food vendors; loeal artisans and cultural practitioners. Free, (808) 658-0104, kulaia.wixsite.com/ kulaiamolokai.
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I CALENDAR LISTINGS To have a loeal event listed in our monthly calendar, email kwo@ oha.org at least six weeks in advance. Make sure to include the location, price, date andtime. Ifavailable, please attach a high'i resolution (300 dpi) photograph with your email.
A block party celebrating the Moloka'i Canoe Festivals will transform downtown Kaunakakai. - Photo: Courtesy
Palila . - Photo: Jack Jeffrey