Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2017 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Dreaming of the future?
Hāloalaunuiakea Early Learning Center is a plaee where keiki love to go to school. It's also a safe plaee where staff feel good about helping their students to learn and prepare for a bright future. The center is run by Native Hawaiian U'ilani Corr-Yorkman. U'ilani wasn't always a business owner. She actually taught at DOE for 8 years. A Mālama Loan from OHA helped make her dream of owning her own preschool a reality. The low-interest loan allowed U'ilani to buy fencing forthe property, playground equipment, furniture, books...everything needed to open the doors of her business. U'ilani and her staff serve the community in 'Ele'ele, Kaua'i, and have become so popular that they have a waiting list. OHA is proud to support Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs in the pursuit of their business dreams. OHA's staff provide Native Hawaiian borrowers with personalized support and provide technical assistance to encourage the growth of Native Hawaiian businesses. Experience the OHA Loans difference. Call (808) 594-1 924 or visit www.oha.org/ loans to learn how a loan from OHA ean help grow your business. Mālama loans ean make your dreams eome true @HA (808) 594-1924 www.oha.org/loans