Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2017 — LAND & WATER [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


To maintain the connection to the past andaviable land base, Native Hawaiians will participate in and benefit fram responsible stewardship of Ka Pae 'Āina 0 Hawai'i. ▲ STRATEGIC RESULTS lncreasing the percentage of Ka Pae 'Āina 0 Hawai'i managed to create eoonomio value, preserve cultural and natural resources and historic properties, and/or provide cultural and social opportunities for Native Hawaiians in a sustainable and balanced manner.

HĀLAU KE'ALAOKAMAILE $240,697 Hānau ka Ulu Lā'au, Ola Mau nā Hua (Born is the forest, long live the seeds): Under the leadership of Kumu Hula Keali'i Reichel, Hālau Ke'alaokamaile is spearheading an effort to create a 30-acre Native Habitat Corridor on Maui, starting with a 6-acre kīpuka in Makawao. The hālau will study chants, Hawaiian language newspapers and firsthand accounts to identify plants that are native to the area. Then, in collaboration with six hālau and Hawaiian immersion programs, Hālau Ke'alaokamaile will begin restoring native flora to the Makawao ahupua'a using traditional Hawaiian practices and natural farming. KA HONUA MOMONA INTERNATIONAL $500,000 Ke Ola o Ka 'Āina is a collaborative partnership between Ka Honua Momona (KHM) on Moloka'i and Waipā Foundation on Kaua'i. KHM has been engaged in restoration of two ancient fishponds on Moloka'i - Ah'i and Kaokoeli - as well as managing a 1.5 acre parcel with several gardens growing edible and medicinal plants. Waipā stewards the l,600-acre Waipā ahupua'a on Kaua'i. Together, the two organizations will share practices and develop programs, pohcies and revenuegenerating activities aimed at fostering greater connections to 'āina through stewardship, cultural practices and growing and preparing loeal foods.

HAWAI'I F0REST INSTITUTE $172,262 Aloha 'āina. Aloha Ka'ūpūlehu. Aloha Wao Lama continues sustainable management practices at Kaūpūlehu, one of the healthiest remnant dryland forests remaining in Hawai'i. Through HFI's sponsorship, Ho'ola Ka Makana'ā o Ka'ūpūlehu, aland-based cultural ecology education hui and restoration organization, will be able to continue its mission of tending, honoring and growing a plaee of peaee and safety for the native dryland lama forest of Kaūpūlehu within a regional homeland context - fostering restorative ldnship relationships between community and 'āina - utilizing educational stewardship, traditional ecological knowledge and contemporary and institutional scientific methods. PACIFIC AMERICAN F0UNDATI0N $60,000 Kāhea Loko is a eall to restore, revitalize and preserve the Waikalua Loko Fishpond for the next 400 years; to inspire, educate and practice the art and engineering of Hawaiian fishponds as a catalyst to restoring Kāne'ohe Bay and the nearshore fisheries environmental to help reconnect the mauka (Luluku lands) to makai in the ahupua'a of Kāne'ohe. Opportunities to engage and support student/community learning include rebuilding the Kuapa (wall); reconstructing three auwai and bridges, repairing three makaha gates, removing invasive limu and mangrove, propagating native limu and fish and recycling both degradable and non-bio-degradable vegetation and human-made elements.

P.O. Box 881040 Pukalani, Hl 96788 (808) 572-1505 andrea@hokunui.com

P.O. Box 482188 Kaunakakai, Hl 96748 (808) 553-8353 kahonuamomūna@gmail.cūm

P.O. Box 66 'O'ūkala, Hl 96744 (808) 933-9411 yyc@trylookinside.com

45-285 Kāne'ohe Bay Drive #102 Kāne'ohe, Hl 96744 (808) 664-3027 herblee@thepaf.org


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Koa Hewahewa, Native Habitat Re$toration Projeot Manager, watering the 'ōhi'a, in the Kāpu'ao Nur$ei)'.

Photo: Ka Honua Momona ho$ted all of Kualapu'u Charter Sohool'$ (another 0HA grant recipient) kindergarten ola$$e$ in spring of 2017 at Ali'i Fishpond.

Photo: (L-R) Todd Ta$hima and Loii Walkep in the Environmental Law eiinio mauka huaka'i to Ka'ūpūlehu fore$t during theirkōkua makai with the "Try Wait" no-take fi$hing initiative in 0ctober 201$.

Photo: Student$ from Windward Community College removing inva$ive limu (gorilla ogo) from Waikalua Loko l'a. Limu get$ reoyoled to taro farmer$ on Windward $ ide.