Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2017 — MAULI OLA HEALTH [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
To improve the quality and longevityoflife, Native Hawaiians will enjoy healthy IHestyles and experience reduoed onset of ehponie diseases. ▲ STRATEGIC RESULTS lncreasing the percentage of Native Hawaiian families actively improving lifestyle choices by engaging in health programs anel supportive family development praGtices. Reduce the rate of obesity among Native Hawaiians from 49.3 percent to 35 percent.
KUALAPU'U PUBLIC C0NVERSI0N CHARTER SCH00L $267,849 Project Pū'olo is a multidisciplinary, school-based, childhood obesity prevention and treatment program focused on the early identification of students affected by obesity and the promotion of positive heahh changes and lifestyle choices in students and their families. Project Pū'olo, delivered with relevant Hawaiian values and traditional food and nutritional practices, estabhshes a wholechild approach to the ahgnment of heahh with education by offering a coordinated array of direct and prevention heahh services. The evidence-based approach builds on the success of a two-year pilot project in engaging students and families to increase physical activity and nutrition knowledge. THE SALVATION ARMYFAMILY TREATMENT SERVICES $180,000 Ola Kino Maika'i serves Hawaiian women and children enrolled in Family Treatment Services' residential and therapeutic treatment programs on O'ahu. The program aims to improve the heahh of Hawaiian women recovering from substance abuse and addiction while preventing obesity and reducing weight gain related to cessation of tobacco, methamphetamine and other drugs. Participants wih engage in Hawaiian cultural practices that support heahh and learn sldhs to Uve a healthy lifestyle. Cultural components of the program include a weekly culture class, lomilomi, establishing a māla or garden, leaming mele, oli, mo'olelo and dances and excursions to culturaUy significant sites.
MĀLAMA KAUA'I $170,000 Kaua'i Mala'ai Kula: Creating heallli through a culturally relevant farm-to-school program addresses the heahh and wellness of 202 students (96 percent Native Hawaiian) at two Hawaiian-fo-cused charter schools: Kawaikini NCPCS and Ke Kula Ni'ihau. Healthy farm-to-table meal programs wUl be developed at both schools and school staff will receive capacity-building services to improve physical activity and nutrition education of students. Onee the school meal programs launeh, the emphasis wUl shift to increasing the amount oflocaUy produced food served to students. In addition, a fulltime Farm-to-School AmeriCorps VISTA member wUl help integrate school gardens into the eunieulum. THEQUEEN'S MEDICAL CENTER $382,151 The Ma Ka Hana Ka 'Ike - Hana Ola Project is a community-driven effort in East Maui that implements culturaUy-rele-vant programs that provide direct services (physical activity, elinieal assessment) and prevention services (education, research) to reduce the rate and severity of obesity among Native Hawaiians. Activities open to all in Hāna include a Community Build program that takes participants through the process of building kūpuna cottages and other structures, Ku'i Lo'i and Ku'i Ai programs to grow and pound kalo, mālama 'āina at Mahele Farm and culturally-relevant strength and conditioning programs such as hula and thatched hale building.
260 Farrington Avenue Kualapu'u, Hl 96757 (808) 567-6900 Lyd ia_Tri nidad/KUALAPU U/ HID0E@notes.kl2.hi.us
845 22nd Ave. Honolulu, Hl 96816 (808) 732-2802 aloha.hawaii@usw.salvationarmy.org
P.0. Box 1414 Kilauea, Hl 96754 (808) 828-0685 megan@malamakauai.org
1301 Puneh bowl Street UT#508 Honolulu, Hl 96813 (808) 691-7921 dtani@queens.org
Photo: Molokai Homg/own Sohool Family Lunoh Kalo and Molokai Beef.
Photo: Karina and Caitlin.
Photo: Farm-to-table meal programs will he developed for two Kaua'i charter school$.
Photo: Project Manager Viliami Tukuafu teache$ youth participants iaien, Ka'imi, and Clyde how to ku'i kalo for making pa'i 'ai and poi to take home to their familie$.