Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 8, 1 August 2017 — HONORING KAUA‘I’S LAST RULING CHIEF [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Submitted by the Friends of King Kaumuali'i The Friends of King Kaumuali'i are redoubling their efforts to bring honor and recognition to King Kaumuali'i, the last independent ruler of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. Their goal is to erect a life-size statue of Kaumuali'i at Pa'ula'ula, onee the compound of the king, now more familiarly known as the Russian Fort Elizabeth. Kaumuali'i's love for his people is ranked as the most significant aspect of his life. Because of that love, whieh endeared him to his people, the Friends believe King Kaumuali'i deserves to be memorialized with a statue.
Internationally-renowned artist and sculptor SaimCaglayan, a resident of Kīlauea, Kaua'i, was contracted to create the statue. To date, a maquette - a 3-foot preliminary model from whieh a lifesize statue will be developed - has been completed
and displayed at the West Kaua'i Visitor Center in Waimea. At a foundry in California, the sizing process is underway. America memorializes its heroes with statues, as seen in the Lineoln and Jefferson memorials 1
ind Statuary Hall of the Congress. We should memorialize ours in similar fashion. Kaumuali'i's genealogical connection to the gods was greater than Kamehameha's. In fact, the ruling families of Kaua'i were the purest blue bloods of Hawaiian aristocracy. Kaumuali'i's reign was a kind one, exemplified by his grave eoneem for his people. He gave up his dominion as the absolute ruler to save his people from the horrors of a war that he could not win. Let us remember and honor him for that. The Lriends are engaged in raising the $150,000 needed to complete the project. The Friends is a 501c(3) organization; contributions are tax deductible. Contributions may be made online or by mail. Website: kauaikingkaumualii.org Mail: Friends of King Kaumuali'i P.O. Box 509 Waimea, Kaua'i, Hawai'i 96796 For more information eall Aletha Kaohi at (808) 977-8991 or email akaohi@kedb.com. ■
Allhea Kaohi with a 3-foot maquette that will be used to develop a lifesize statue of King Kaumuali'i. - Photo: Chris Cook