Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2017 — CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Āina Archaeology is conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the City's Blaisdell Center Master Plan Project. The goal of the Master Plan is to design flexible spaces with upgraded furnishing, equipment and facilities to enhanee the community's experience at the Center. Recommendations fromthe feasibility study conducted previously included renovations of the existing Concert Hall and Arena, and a new expanded Exhibition Hall. Other improvements under consideration include the addition of new performance venues, practice studios, classrooms, dining, and increasing parking capacity with new structures. Beyond the facilities, the master plan also strives to create a park-like setting throughout the 22-acre Blaisdell Center campus to accommodate puhlie programming opportunities and to
provide increased open space. The purpose of this CIA is to evaluate potential impacts to traditional cultural practices as a result of the proposed project. We are seeking the public's kōkua (assistance) regarding the following aspects of our study: • General history, legends and traditional uses of Kewalo, Kaka'ako, and Kukuluae'o
• Knowledge of cultural resources and practices • Referrals of kūpuna (elders) or other knowledgeable individuals Please contact Kamoa Quitevis o 'Āina Archaeology, at 1-808-593-3020. Or by e-mail at kamoa@ ainaarch.com, if you have any questions, mana'o or concerns you would like to share. ■