Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 7, 1 July 2017 — Grants available for culture, conservation [ARTICLE]
Grants available for culture, conservation
The Hawai'i Tourism Authority will be awarding grants for eom-munity-based events and programs that perpetuate Hawaiian culture and preserve natural resources.
The 2018 grants will be available through three HTA programs that enrich the experiences of residents and visitors alike: Kukulu Ola, Aloha Aina and Community Enrichment. "How we celebrate the Hawaiian culture, protect our environment, and share our way of life in eommunities is key to Hawai'i's future and why we plaee such importance in supporting groups and individuals committed to these ideals," said George D. Szigeti, HTA president and CEO. "These programs help guide how our communities embrace sustainability and uphold the qualities that make the Hawaiian Islands such a magnificent plaee to live and visit." Information sessions about submitting proposals will be offered throughout the state in July, with applications due by Aug. 4 at 4:30 p.m. The applications are available online at www.hawaiitourismau-thority.org/about-hta/rfps. For more information, contact HTA Procurement Officer Ronald Rodriguez at contracting@gohta.net or by phone at (808) 973-9449. ■