Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 6, 1 Iune 2017 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

AH PINA/MAKOLO - The descendants of Lokalia Kenao Pali Ah Pina Makolo are having our next reunion in Las Vegas from June 28 - July 2, 2017. Her children were all born in Wailuku. They are: Abby Ah Pina Chu Alo Lee Watkins (born February 11, 1882), Manuel "Murphy" Ahoi Flores (born May 25, 1895), Eva Lehua Āh Pina Adric (born December 18, 1899), Mary Maone Makolo Marrotte (born October 26, 1902), William Kekaha Makolo (born April 17, 1904) Annie Panui Makolo Naeole (born April 1, 1911) Esther Makolo (bom January 1, 1914) and Arthur Makolo (born August 25, 1916). Registration information is available at facebook.com/ohanastrong or please email the Reunion Committee at ohanastrong2017@gmail. eom and information will be sent to you. E ō nā mamo a Lokelia! AKIONA OHANA REUNION - The descendants of Quan Sing Akiona and Helen Kealohanui of

Keanae, Maui. Camping & Fellowship on July 3,4,5, 2017 Bellows Airforce base, Waimānalo Hawai'i. To RSVP or for more information please contact the following: Malia: 808-258-0986; Micalynn: 808-454-3333 or Pua: 808-256-4081. We also have a Akiona 'Ohana and ,Akiona Family reunion eamping event Facebook page. Join us on FB. KAHANANUI - Inviting the families of Horace Kekumu and Leinani Kahananui to a family reunion on July 22, 2017. Reconnect with 'ohana and share genealogy. Contact Debbie at 808-386-6564 or email debz.bautista@yahoo.com. KAHANAOI - Pomaikai reunion will be held on Saturday, August 19, 2017 atZablan Beach, Nānākuli, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 'Ohana includes, Kauwe, Kaluna, Laimana, McCabe, Cockett, Rowans, Wongs, Jones, Komomua, Kaopuiki, Cockett, Apiki, Kalauawa, and etc. Contact Jeanne Kahanaoi at 808-354-7365. KALAAUHINA-KEPAA - The descendants of ,Annie Kalaauhina, and William Ben Kepaa of Kuiaha, Maui, are planning a family reunion in Waimānalo,

Oahu, from July 7 -9, 2017. Children of -Annie and William were: Hoopii, Miriam, Edward, Kailaka, Makaopio, Smith, William, Mikala, ,Annie. Tutu's second marriage was to Peter Halo. Children of ,Annie and Peter were: Mary Halao Kepaa Wemer, and John ,Aiawale Halao Kepaa. Her third marriage was to Ben Piipii Kaheleno issue(children). Plans for Friday, July 7 are for a casual get together at our cousins' home in Waimānalo. Saturday, July 8 is the Reunion Luau from 2-10 p.m. on Department of Hawai'ian Homelands (DHHL) property, mauka side of Hilu Street, in Waimānalo. Sunday, July 9 we're winding down and simply spending time together. A small contribution will be asked to help offset costs. We will be sharing genealogy and would weleome yours. There's a family face book page "Kekaula (Kalaauhina-Kepa'a) Lau" that we ean add you to. This is a closed group so please kōkua and identify yourselves and your connection to the 'Ohana when you send a friend request. For more information contact Hudson Kekaula, hkekaula@hotmail.com 808-486-3941 (leave message) or Primrose Judge pjudge@alionscience.com 703-933-6622.

KALEHUAWEHE - Inviting the families of John I and Mary Kalehuawehe and extended families to a family reunion on July 14,15 & 16, 2017, at Hale Nanea Clubhouse on Maui. Reconnect with Ohana and share genealogy. Contact President Debbie at 808-281-8711 or email Kwaihona@hotmail.com or 2017 Kalehuawehe Reunion. KAUKA - The descendants of Samuel Haleo'o Kauka, Sr. and Harriet Haliaka Ulunahele of Punalu'u, Oahu, Hawai'i are planning a family reunion on July 15, 2017, 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Kualoa, Oahu. Children include, Samuel Haleo'o Kauka, Jr., Hattie Kauka, David Makaliu Kauka Kaapu, George Kaukahialii Kauka, Sr., Helen Kalanialii Kauka (Lurbe) Wiggins, ,Annie Kauhane Kauka Trevenen, Hannah Kapaokalani Kauka Keolanui, Mildred Kuulei Kauka White, Mariah Kauka and ,Akana Kauka and their descendants. Potluck: we are using PerfectPotluck.com again for sign-up, activities include camping, genealogy updates, crafts for the keiki, kalo pa'i ai (for our meal), kanikapila by our talented ohana and mueh talk-story time. We are ordering new t-shirts for this reunion and the design will be shared on our Facebook page when available, pre-orders only. We are in the process of eonducting video inter\dews with Generation 3 ohana and are looking to capture many more from other generations before the reunion. Please eall Woletta if you are interested for scheduling. These will be available on CD at the reunion. For information contact Woletta Lurbe Kim (808) 630-3685, Catalpa (Trevenen) Kong (808) 927-9692 or Peggianne (Martin) Wallaee (808) 754-0989. īnfo also available on Facebook, K,AUK,A Ohana, a private group. KEKUMU/ KAHANANUI - Inviting thefamilies of Horace Kekumu and Leinani Kahananui to a family reunion on July 22, 2017. Reconnect with 'ohana and share genealogy. Contact Debbie at 808-386-6564 or email debz.bautista@yahoo.com KINIMAKA - Kinimaka 'Ohana reunion will be July 2-5, 2017, Kona, Hawai'i īsland. Contact Kaniu Kinimaka-Stocksdale at email: kaniu@ coconutwoman.me or eall 808-313-1598 for more info. 'O wau no me ka ha'a ha'a. KULIOHOLANI-KONOWAHINE 'OHANA REUNION The two surviving descendants of Alawa and his wife,Ana Kulioholani are having a reunion. The descendants are Daisy Nakike Apua Alawa who married Kau Chit Aki, and her sister ,Ana Alawa who married Kamaka Pamaiaulu. Descendants of these two sisters: from Daisy Nakike Apua Alawa (Kau Chit -Aki) are: Henry AhChoy Apua, ,Amoe ,Aki Yam, Edward Kau, Harry ,Aki, Sam Aki and Alex ,Aki. From Ana Alawa (Pamaiaulu) are: Julia Konawahine Pamaiaulu. Julia married Peter Kaiu Akiona and had ten children. Six of the sur\dving children are: Josephine DeLauraCrow, Ramona Teves, Veronica Samera, Dorothy Kekuewa, Shirley Hering and Lorna Akiona-Terry. The reunion will be at the Waimānalo Hawai'ian Homes Hale, 41-253 īlauhole St., Waimānalo, on Saturday, July 1, 2017, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Cost $15 for adults 8 years and up (includes 1 Bento), $8 for children 5 to 7 years old (includes 1 Bento). Under 4 years old is free (no Bento, but may purchase a Bento for $8). Register on line at: https:// sites.google.com/site/kauakiohana/home. Deadline February 28, 2017. For information or those who wish to help with the plamiing eall John ,Aki at 808-492-5929 or emailjohnakijr@yahoo.com. LINCOLN - The 'Ohana Lineoln Reunion Committee is planQing our next family reunion for June 16 & 17, 2017 in Kona. Our Reunion begins on Friday, June 16 with a historic visit to our ancestral lands and continues on Saturday, June 17 at Hale Halawai. īf you are of Lineoln heritage and want to attend, please contact the following Committee members for more information. Please be sure to leave a message if no one answers. You ean also email me as well, Rowena A. Lineoln, 808-497-1219, email: Ehulani822@yahoo.com or Jonua Robello, 808-783-5423. LOVELL - Lovell a me Holokahiki Family reunion. Kaua'i July 7-9, 2017. Family of Joseph and Mele Lovell will be gathering at Anahola Beach

Park during the lst weekend in July. More information to follow. Monthly meetings are happening. Come and join us. Please contact Kellie at kelliepupu@gmail.com or 808-346-1877, https://www. f aeehook. com/lovellameholokahiki. MULEHU - E hui pu kakou The descendants of Mulehu (w), daughter of Kihaapi'ilani and Kaheleanauakuemanu are invited to attend the first Family Reunion on July 20-23, 2017 at the Kohala īntergeneration Center located at Kamehameha Park in Kapa'au, Kohala, Hawai'i īsland. From the Mulehu & Haupu Branch com.es Kaleohano (k), Kaiopahia (k), Moeluhi (k) and Kamahanakapu (w). From the Mulehu & Kai (aka Kaiopahia/ Pahiha/Ka'i/Kaai) Branch comes Kaaihinu (Kaaihimu) (w), Kaaoaolahilahiokeohokalole (w), Keahilapalapaikawekiuolunalilo (w), and Kaonohi (k). Registration, lodging recommendations, the schedule, and other information will be posted and updated at www.namamoamulehu.org. Or you ean contact us by e-mail at namamoamulehu@gmail. eom, or by contacting Nora Kuali'i at 808 959-8830. NAEHU-SAFFERY REUNION -Descendants of Captain/Judge Edmund Saffery (1806-1874) and wives Kupuna Naehu and Waiki Kawaawaaiki Naehu (1828-1900) of Olowalu, Maui, are holding a reunion Labor Day weekend, Sept. 1-3, 2017, in Wailuku, Maui. Their combined 14 ehildren include: Famiy (John Kaiaokamalie), Edmund Jr. (Emalia Wallaee), Henry (Kahua Kaanaana), Caroline (Frank Rose), William (Emily Cockett and Jennie Makekau), John (Lucy Kahaulelio and Rebecca Nahooikaika), Thomas (Mary Luna Kina), Mary (Daniel Palena), Emma (William Pogue), Anna (Joseph Kealoha and Daniel Nahaku), Julianna (Antoine Freitas), Charles (Emily Hawele and Catherine Kauwahi), Helen (George Tripp), Emalia Nellie (Louis Ernestberg, George Conrad, and Nelson Kaloa). If you're interested in attending the reunion, please visit www.SafferyOhana.org or contact Naomi Losch, 808-261-9038, nlosch@ hawaii.rr.com or Kulamanu Goodhue, 808-689-4015, safferyohana@gmail.com or Donna Curimao, 808-264-3178, meleanal839@hotmail.com. WILHELM - 2017 Ka Wilhelm Ohana ReunionJuly 21-22, 2017 @ Maui Beach Hotel, Kahului, Maui. Contact Jean Wilhelm Kanoho @ rkanohol@twc or eall 808-247-2869 or the Wilhelm website http:// kawilhelmohana.org/ for more info. Deadline for registration and ticket purchase: Saturday, July 15, 2017. CULLEN - Looking for genealogy records for my great grandmother on my father's side. Mary Cullen 1869-1920 married John Fernandez 1860-1939. Their daughter Madeline Fernandez Colbum. Please eall or text Pauahi Colburn at 722-8400. Mahalo nui. KALAUPAPA - ,Are you looking for an ancestor at Kalaupapa? Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, a nonprofit organization made up of Kalaupapa residents, family members and friends, might be able to help. We have information on more than 7.000 people sent to Kalaupapa. Contact 'Ohana Coordinator Valerie Monson at \nnonson@kalaupapaohana.org or eall 808-573-2746. KAMAKAU - Looking for descendants or related family members of Ellen P. Kamakau. Bornat Kaopipa/Kaupipa, MauionSeptember3, 1 850. Since, deceased. Please contact 808-366-0847 or lruby@hawaii.edu. KEAWE - ,Aloha kakou. I am a mo'opuna of mahu keawe and am currently doing genealogy research. ī'm hoping to get in contact with 'ohana who are the descendants of the following kūpuna. Keawe (Meheula Keawe) and Nalimu Maimui. their children were Pahulio, Hapala, Hulapala, Kalahikiola,Thomas Kanakamaikai and Mahu Keawe. Also searching for the descendants of Mahu Keawe and Lahiki (Kalahiki Ha'a). Looking for pietures and any help with research. īf you have any information please contact Kekai by email at nauiokealoha@gmail.com or by phone at 808-294-8057. Mahalo no ke kokua. ■

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