Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 6, 1 Iune 2017 — HOʻOLAHA LEHULEHU PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


'Āina Archaeology is conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the City's Kapālama Canal Catalytic Project. The project proposes a hnear park along Kapālama Canal encompassing Kōkea and Kohou Streets from Nimitz Highway to the H- 1 Freeway. The park will include a

waterfront promenade and complete streets improvements, underscored by green infrastructure, and waterway/bank modihcations to improve the Canal's water quahty and catalyze broader neighborhood improvements. The purpose of this CIA is to evaluate potential impacts to traditional

cultural practices as a result of the proposed project. We are seeking the pubhc's kōkua (assistance) regarding the following aspects of our study: • General history, legends and traditional uses of Kapālama • Knowledge of cultural resources and practices

• Referrals of kūpuna (elders)or other knowledgeable individuals Please contact Kamoa Quitevis o 'Āina Archaeology, at 1-808-593-3020 or by e-mail at kamoa@ ainaarch.com, if you have any questions, mana'o or concerns you would hke to share. ■

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