Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 6, 1 Iune 2017 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.
- LEGEND ■ 'Ae (Yes) ■ 'A'ole (No) < Kānalua (Abstain) ■ Excused
Motion to approve NEW BILL item 5, SCR147 as SUPPORT on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated March 29, 2017. Moīion to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS (ltems 1-4, 6-15) and BILL P0SITI0NS F0R REC0NSIDERATION (ltems 16-21) on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated March 29, 2017, as amended along with the following changes: • SB 601 from M0NIT0R > C0MMENT • SCR 86 from SUPP0RT > C0MMENT Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS (ltems 1-10) and BILL P0SITI0NS F0R REC0NSIDERATI0N (ltems 11-14) on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated April 5, 2017, as amended including the following additions: • GM 600/601 to SUPP0RT • GM 602 to SUPP0RT • GM 795 to SUPP0RT Motion to approve ACTI0N ITEM BAE 17-03 : Approval of a Resolution Relating to the Disposition of the Rainer Werner Bock Collection of Nā Mea Hawai'i at the Aguttes Auction House. Motion to Authorize 0HA Administration to Proceed with the Programmatic Environmental lmpact Statement (EIS) Process for 0HA's Kaka'ako Makai Parcels. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS (ltems 1-9) and BILL P0SITI0NS F0R REC0NSIDERATI0N (ltem 10) on the 0HA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated April 12, 2017, as amended. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS (0HA 1-2) on the 114th Congress Legislative Positioning Matrix dated April 26, 2017.
Motion passes with six A YES, one NO vote and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one NO vote and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with sixAYES and three EXCUSED. Motion passes with sixAYES and three EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eightAYES.
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