Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 5, 1 Mei 2017 — Perpetuating ʻāina momona through loko iʻa culture [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Perpetuating ʻāina momona through loko iʻa culture

ByTasha Stiritz Loko i'a (traditional Hawaiian fishponds) provide a viable avenue for growing independent food sustainably in Hawai'i and demonstrate the innovation of traditional Native Hawaiian intelligence in resource management as a needed model for future sustainability and food security in ka pae'āina o Hawai'i. Thanks to a dedicated group of kia'i loko (fishpond guardians) on a mission to reactivate, restore and cultivate loko i'a culture, Hawai'i's fishponds are on a path to restoration. Kaiāulu Hanakahi: The community that works together

The morning of April 6, 2017, was warm but refreshing as a clever breeze cooled the campsite at Kulapai on the coast of Waiākea, Hilo, moku o Keawe. While the day was greeted and the scene prepared, kūpuna, keiki and kia'i loko (the contemporary guardians of loko i'a) from across ka pae'āina o Hawai'i were welcomed for the annual convening of Hui Mālama Loko I'a. The Hui Mālama Loko I'a (HMLI) network is a growing consortium of fishpond practi-

tioners and organizations. HMLI was created in 2004 by a hui of practitioners who saw an opportunity to leverage their skills, knowledge, and resources related to the restoration and management of traditional Hawaiian fishponds. That hui has grown greatly in recent years and now represents nearly 40 different loko i'a and over 100 fishpond kia'i loko. Gathering annually, the HMLI's mission is to empower a network of kia'i loko whose kuleana is to reactivate, restore and

cultivate loko i'a guided by loko i'a culture in pursuit of 'āina momona for 'ohana and communities. "Through this hui these fishpond kia'i demonstrate their strength as a community of practitioners. Gathering helps them to empower and

lift eaeh other up in the service of a shared purpose, to

share lessons learned and improve efforts across the pae'āina in service of a shared vision of abundance for Hawai'i," said Kevin Chang, Executive Director of Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo (KUA), the loeal nonprofit that has facilitated the network since 2013 and provided the primary logistical support for the four-day gathering. Provisioned by this year's hosts from Hui Ho'olei Maluō, Hale o Lono and Kumuola Science Education Center, the theme of the

2017 Hui Mālama Loko I'a Gathering was Kaiāulu Hanakahi. Having muhiple meanings, connected to various mo'olelo, Kaiāulu Hanakahi translates mainly as the community who works together. Instinctively, Kaiāulu Hanakahi permeated the weekend activities prepared by HMLI organizers; the conversations and small group discussions, the hana (work) at

Honokea, Wai'āhole and Hale o Lono fishponds in Waiākea, and the successful reactivation of Lālākea Loko I'a in Waipio Valley on the Hamakua Coast. The momentum of Kaiāulu Hanakahi and their collective work in Waiākea stayed with these kia'i as they left for their respective places on the last day of the gathering. It is most embodied in the focused and dignified work of a collective lāhui who are moving

their community forward together with a renewed sense of strength and fortitude. ■

'ŌLELO NO'EAU Ua ahu ka imu, e lāwalu ka i'a #2768 Make the oven ready, wrap the fish in ti leaves to be eookeā. Meaning: All preparations have been made; now let us proceed with the work. Tasha Stiritz is a member of Hui Mālama Loko I'a who focuses on aquaculture and communications at Mālama Loko Ea in Kawailoa ofWaialua, O'ahu.


Members of Hui Mālama loko l'a and the Honoka'a community work together to remove invasive vegetation from Lālākea Loko l'a in Waip'o Valley following a reactivation ceremony for Lālākea during a huaka'i for the 2017 fishpond gathering. - Photo: Courtesy of Scott Kanda/ Kua'Aina Ulu 'Auamo

Lalakea lā hānau Ceremony. - Photo: LoRes Dino Morrow Photography