Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 5, 1 Mei 2017 — Hiʻilei Aloha Entrepreneurship Distance Learning [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hiʻilei Aloha Entrepreneurship Distance Learning
By Blaine Fergerstrom
Office of Hawaiian Affairs subsidiary Hi'ilei Aloha LLC is using technology to bring its popular entrepreneurship workshop series to more Hawaiians, statewide. In a partnership with Kaua'i Community College and the Kaua'i Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, Hi'ilei Aloha contracted instructor Julie Percell to empower budding Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs who are starting up small businesses. Percell teaches an eight-week long entrepreneurship course every Saturday. Through the use of a video conferencing system and other technology, Percell is able to conduct the class with four students at KCC and four students at Hi'ilei, alternating her physical presence
between the two locations. Last year, Hi'ilei won a nahonal
competition and was awarded a grant whieh allowed for the pur-
chase of a Lifesize ieon 600 video conferencing system, a Promethean smart board digital white board, Samsung digital signage system, and a 17" laptop with the Lifesize video conferencing software for traveling. The components are eombined into a system whieh allows
Hi'ilei to offer workshops and meetings virtually anywhere. The entrepreneurship course
covers the basics of startl ing a business, the keys to successful marketing, writing and presenting a business plan, pricing your product to make money, managing your finances, and estimating the resources needed for your first year in busi- ' ness. Following successful | eomplehon of the workshop series, students are refunded the entire $300
tuition and are provided technical assistance in startina and arowina their
business. Hi'ilei is offering a new entrepreneur workshop series for Maui and O'ahu beginning in May. See www.hiilei.org/events for more information and a link to workshop registration. Class size is limited, so early registration is encouraged. ■
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The students at Kaua'i Community College are seen on the Lifesize video conferencing monitor in the Hi'ilei Aloha LLC office in Kaka'ako. - Photos: Elaine Fergerstrom
lnstructor Julie Percell addresses the class from the Kaua'i Community College loeahon.