Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 5, 1 Mei 2017 — How to apply for the free 3-week workshop [ARTICLE]
How to apply for the free 3-week workshop
Aloha āina ana the driveto perpetuate Hawaiian mo'olelo are the main criteria for workshop participants, so no technieal experience is necessary. But if you know anyone who is 18 anel overwith backgrounds in the following, please encourage them to apply: -culturally grounded storytelling/writing/filmmaking -graphic design/concept art -3d modeling/animation -game/level design -programming -sound/music When: July 17-Aug. 4 Where: Hālau 'inana (2482 S. Beretania St.) Apply online forthe free workshop at kanaeokana.net/ videogames.