Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 4, 1 April 2017 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A^plication ^^^1 a^» I at ^ www.oha.org/grants The first round FY 2018 'Ahahui Grant deadline is Friday, April 21, 2017 %. wm \/ I *The featured photo is of the Pnnee Lot Hula Festival whieh is an 'Ahah ui Grantfunded event. 'Ahahui Grants fund events that | support 0HA's strategic priorities in the areas of culture, health, education, land and water, and eeonomie self-sufficiency.
Make an appointment to visit Hale Noelo - OHAs Knowledge Tech Center provldlng the followlng servlces: Genealogy Research Technlcal Asslstance Dlgltlzatlon Servlces & Dlgltal Preservatlon Tralnlng Access to ancestry.com and other onllne subscrlptlon resources
Vlslt www,oha,org/halenoelo to make an ^HHH ^H^^ appolntment today, Hale Noelo Na Lama Kukui, 56(J N. Nirnitz Hwy„ Luite 11/C