Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 4, 1 April 2017 — Ka Makana Aliʻi Mall brings big benefits to West Oʻahu [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Makana Aliʻi Mall brings big benefits to West Oʻahu

By Lindsey Kesel There's a new mall in East Kapolei that's doing so mueh more for the area than diversifying its shopping choices. The 1.4 million-square-foot Ka Makana Ali'i center, spearheaded by DeBartolo Development, has forged a unique partnership with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) that is focused on enhancing the surrounding communities in myriad ways with far-

reaching benefits that ripple statewide. DHHL leased the 67-acre site to DeBartolo starting in 2014, spurring an estimated 3,000 eonstruction jobs to take the project to eomplehon, not to menhon the 6,600 full-time retail, hospitality and service industry positions the mall will fill in full operation. "Ka Makana Ali'i provides job opportunities for the larger population on the West Side, including our beneficiaries who tell us their quality of life is better because they don't have to sit in traffic to and from town anymore and ean spend more time with their families," says Paula Aila, Information and Community Relations Officer for DHHL. Ka Makana Ali'i celebrated its Phase One grand opening in October of last year by treating guests to a series of free concerts featuring loeal Hawaiian musicians Amy Hanaiali'i

Oilliom, Anuhea and Na Leo Pilimehana, plus fireworks, fashion shows and more. Ka Makana Ali'i means "The Royal Gift" and pays homage to DHHL's founder, Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, who initiated the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act that set aside government land for Native Hawaiians. Proceeds from the mall's rent will enahle DHHL to fulfill Prince Kūhiō's mission to return Hawaiian families to the land and provide other direct services to those who need them. The center's 65-year lease is projected to gamer more than $1 hillion in revenue to fund brand new homes for beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust - as well as various programs created to assist Native Hawaiians statewide - as part of a community benefits package negotiated between DHHL and the developer.

To honor the roots of the area and the land Ka Makana Ali'i sits on, DHHL worked closely with mall designers to create commemorative signs at two mall entry points that educate mall visitors about the royal founder and DHHL's mission and purpose. The mall's layout also includes several other elements that pay homage to Native Hawaiian eulture, history and traditions. Fulfillina its commitment to build

a park for residents of the energy-efficient Kānehili Hawaiian Homestead community, DeBartolo has already provided a $500,000 eheek to the Kānehili Community Park fund. Various homestead eommunities on the West Side have also joined forces with Ka Makana Ali'i to support dedicated mall events, including hula shows, Hawaiian music entertainment, cultural arts, and the weekly Wednesday night FarmLovers Market in the mall's Center Court. Anchored by Macy's department store and offering an impressive range of shopping and dining options, and even a hotel and einema, Ka Makana Ali'i is a gathering plaee that gives back by supporting Native Hawaiians and creating a community hub. Whether you're just in Kapolei for the day or live in the area, stop by and see what surprises are in store. ■


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Ka Makana Ali'i in Kapolei opened in October 201 6. - Photo: Courtesy Ka Makana Ali'i