Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2017 — malaki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BIG ISLAND WOODTURNERS INVITATIONAL March 3, 5 to 7 p.m., continues through March 30 This 19th Annual exhibit, celebrating the Wailoa Center's 50th Anniversary, will feature pieces from all the woodturning clubs in Hawai'i. A "Meet the Artist" event will be held March 3 from 5 to 7 p.m., then the exhibit will be open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Woodturning demonstrations will be held Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., www.bigislandwoodturners.org. WAIALUA CARNIVAL 2017 March 3, 6 to 10 p.m.; March 4, noon to 10 p.m.; March 5, noon to 6 p.m. Head to the North Shore for the Waialua Carnival, featuring EK Fernandez Midway rides, games, loeal food, Hawai'i bands, hula hālau, live DJs and more. Waialua High and Intermediate school, www.waialuacarnival.org. PAPAKŌLEA 'OHANA HEALTH FAIR March 4, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year's theme "I Ola Na Kanaka I Ka Moana - Our Oeean Lives, Our People Thrive" brings oeean safety, marine eonservation and Hōkūle'a's Worldwide Journey to the annual heahh fair that provides information, resources and services to engage families in making healthy lifestyle choices. Free. Lineoln Elementary, 615 Auwaiolimu Street.

NĀ KAU HPAKA March 9 to 11 This Hawaiian language play presents the mo'olelo of Hi'iakaikapoliopele and Pelehonuamea in three performances: Thursday at 7 p.m; Friday at 7 p.m, with a pre-show discussion at 5:30 p.m; Saturday at 2 p.m. $20, $10 keiki and kupuna (60+). BYUHawai'i David O. McKay Auditorium. For tickets, email nakauahiiaka@gmail.com or visit the B YUH Aloha Center. HONOLULU FESTIVAL March 10 to 12 "Paeihe Harmony, Love and Trust" is the theme for this year's Honolulu Festival. The thre-day event features educational programs and cultural events including stage performances, the Enniehi Corner, the Grand Parade and Nagaoka Fireworks. For a full schedule and list of venues, visit www.honolulufestival.com. ALOHA DANCE CONVENTION March 11, 4:30 to 9 p.m. Back for a third year, the EKIDEN kiekoff event is a dance competition created as a "friendly and fun cultural exchange event of the Paeihe through dance." First and second plaee winners will perform at the Honolulu Festival Grand Parade. Hawai'i Convention Center, http://hawaiievent.com/en/archives/event/1237. NĀ HULA LEHUA March 11, 10 a.m. At this film screening, leam about the significance of high chief Kalani'ōpu'u,

the royal feather garments he gifted to Capt. Cook in 1779, and the partners that worked together to retum Kalani'ōpu'u's treasured 'ahu'ula and mahiole to the people of Hawai'i. Free. 'Ōlino Theaters at Ka Makana Ali'i, 594-1888, www.oha. org/kalaniopuu. ANAHOLA PRINCE KŪHIŌ DAY CELEBRATION March 18, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. A day of fun activities, food, crafts and educational, cultural and wellness exhibits will reaffirm Prince Kūhiō's legacy in perpetuating the growth of healthy Hawaiian communities on homestead land. Free. Anahola Beach Park. For more infor-

m a t i o n , contact La Contrades atkhpono@ gmail.com. THE SONGS OF C&K March 23, 7 p.m. H e n r y Kapono is bringing the songs of

Cecilio & Kapono to "A Lifetime Party of Friends," where he'll be joined onstage by Johnny Valentine, Alx Kawakami and Blayne Asing. Tickets are $20-$68. Kahilu Theatre, www.kahilutheatre.org, (808) 885-6868.

PRINCE KŪHIŌ COMMEMORATIVE PARADE Marcli 25, 10 a.m. to noon This parade honors Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, who founded the Hawaiian Civic Club movement and was a lead advocate for the Hawaiian Homestead Act of 1920. The parade route travels from Saratoga Street down Kalākaua Avenue and finishes at Kapi'olani Park, where a ho'olaule'a and hō'ike'ike follows. Free. princekuhiofestival.org. CONTACT 2017 March 31 through April 17 Native Hawaiian and loeal visual artists have created work exploring the theme of 'contact' in Hawai'i for the fourth-annualjuriedexhibition. Free. Honolulu Museum of Art School. http://www.honolulumuseum.org.

NĀ MELE MAE'OLE: THE KEAWE 'OHANA April 1, 6 p.m. Aunty Genoa Keawe and her 'ohana will be honored at the third concert in the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame series honoring the legacy

of Hawai'i's musical families. Aunty Genoa was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2001. $60, includes heavy pupu and entertainment. Hyatt Regency Waikīkl Beach Resort and Spa Kou Ballroom, 392-3649 or admin @ hmhof.org . MA UKA A I KAI AKAMAI ENGINEERS April 3 This OHA-sponsored event invites K-12 students and their 'ohana to explore how different types of engineering were applied in the days of their kūpuna. The Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Program, a partner in the event, will provide games and projects that provide hands-on learning about engineering. For more information, email Nā Pua No'eau Director Kinohi Gomes at kinohi@hawaii.edu. ■


www.oha.org/kwo | kwo@OHA.org NATiVE HAWAiiAN » NEWS | FEATURES | EVENTS

At right, Mālie Lyman, Alexis Tolentino, losepa Lyman on U-bass, and Alan Akaka. - Photo: Courtesy ofDon Rostow HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITAR FESTIVAL Marcli 18, 1 to 5:15 p.m. The lst Annual Hawaiian Steel Guitar Festival heads to Kapolei for a program featuring traditional and eontemporary Hawaiian music, as well as performances by Ke Kula Mele Next Generation of Steel Guitarists. Free. Ka Makana Ali'i, 1-1024 Kuipuakukui Street, 375-9379, www.hawaiiansteelguitarfestival.com.

I CALENDAR LISTINGS To have a loeal event listed in our monthly mm f calendar, email kwo@ H oha.org at least six ^ weeks in advance. IMake sure to include the location, price, date — " ■ andtime. Ifavailable, _ please attach a highresolution (300 dpi) m photograph with your | email. I ■ ■^■1

Blayne Asing. - Photo: Courtesy

Aunty Genoa Keawe. - Photo: Courtesy