Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2017 — Healthy Substitutions [ARTICLE]
Healthy Substitutions
Make a favorite recipe healthier by substituting a few ingredients, or create new recipes full of healthy foods.
SUBSTITUTE Whole Grain Foods Sweet Potatoes Plain Yogurt Unsweetened Applesauce Raw, Unsalted Nuts Herbs and Spices Avocado or Hummus Air-popped Popeom, Walnuts or Almonds Quinoa GreenTea
OLP STANDARD Refined Grains White Potatoes Sour Cream Oil for baking Oil Roasted Salted Nuts Salt Mayonnaise Chips White Rice Coffee
DINING OUT Salad or Vegetables Soy Beans Vegetable Lettuce Wraps Steamed or Grilled Vegetables 0mega-3 rich Fish like Salmon, Ahi or Saba Brown Rice Tossed Greens Fresh Fruit, Vegetables or a Smoothie Oatmeal
Appetizers French Fries Spring rolls Mashed Potatoes Beef, Pork or Chicken White Rice Macaroni Salad Fast Food Breakfast Sandwich