Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 3, 1 March 2017 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kalihi-Palama CULTURE & ARTS SOCIETY, iNC. I £ V MAY 13, 2017 • 10:00 A.M. • 'IOI.ANI SCHOOI. GYM The purpose of this huia competition is to provide Hawai'i's Secondary School students wlth the opportunitles to: 1 . Demonstrate skill and knowledge related to Hawaiian dance and other ospects of the Hawalian Culture. 2. Afford cultural tralnlng unavallable in a school's currlculum, 3. Foster school pride in an atmosphere of positive competition. MORĪ INFORMATION (808)521-6905 lNFO@KPCAHAWAII.COM @hia |§|§|§§§a The Malla Crwer Hula Kahko Cofnpotl!ton ls sponsocod by the Offlce of Hcwaltan Aff<*s. woiWna to lmprcve 1he llves of the NatMe Hawdlan Cammunlty. Thls proJect ls abo suppofted by the Kalhl-Palama Culfure & Arfs Soctety. Ine. and lh cooperatton wlth a ptannlng commlttee comprisod of schod repro5entatti/os.