Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2017 — Monthly series showcases Hawaiian culture [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Monthly series showcases Hawaiian culture

SALT at Our Kaka'ako has been hosting a monthly Pa'akai Marketplaee that offers a family-friendly evening of entertainment, art and culture, as well as a venue to support emerging loeal entrepreneurs. The marketplace is a collaboration with PA'I Foundation, a Hawaiian culture and arts organization that puts together the annual Maoli Arts Movement (MAMo) events eaeh spring. MAMo artists, crafters and cultural practitioners will be at this month's event on Feb. 17 from 5 to 9 p.m. "The values of PA'I Foundation and SALT at Our Kaka'ako eome to life at Pa'akai Marketplace," says Victoria Holt īakamine, Executive Director of PA'I Foundation. "Our foundation is dedicated to preserving our unique and rich cultural heritage for future generations." Merchants vary by month, but participants have included Makua Man Brand Co., Beachwalk Gallery Hawaii, Kāne Clothing Co., Laha'ole Designs and TRADES Hawaii. Owned by Kamehameha Schools, SALT at Our Kaka'ako helps sup-

port education for more than 48,000 learners and caregivers annually. Visit www.saltatkakaako.com for more infonnation about the Pa'akai Marketplace or to learn more about the merchants, eateries and events at SALT at Our Kaka'ako.