Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2017 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

5» ^āā

Valentine's Day Dinner Tuesday Februaiy 14 at the Proud Peaeoek Restaurant Reservations recommended! Visit waimeavalley.net or eall (808) 638-7864 to book your romantic candlelit dinner

Waterfall, Botanical Gardens, & Cultural Activities On the North Shore Across from Waimea Bay Open 7 Days a Week, 9am Call: (808) 638-7766 waimeavalley hi'ipaka llc


Here We Go! We are pleased to report that we have 20 Native Hawaiians in the construction field who have enrolled in our workshops to obtain a State contractor license. Their expertise covers a vast area, including electrical, carpentry, ship rigging, drywall, plumbing, crane operation, masonry and more. Manyof them have 20 plus years of experience in their field. What a pool of Native Hawaiian talent! Workshops started last month and will continue throughout 2017. Eaeh partici-

pant will apply for a State contractor license and take the appl icable exam(s) as he or she is ready. The goal is for all participants to have a State contractor license by the end of 2018. If you have expertise in the construction field, insurance or bonding that you would like to share with this cohort of participants, please contact us. We weleome expertise within the Hawaiian community to

share with these construction professionals. For more information, please contact Mona at 596-8990, ext. 1002, or monab@hiilei.ore

Funded in part by OHA and the U.S. Administration for Native Americans (ANA).