Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 1, 1 January 2017 — Wishing you a blessed 2017 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Wishing you a blessed 2017
016, the Year of the Monkey eame 1 in a flash and disappeared like M pixie dust on a windy
f day. It was here. It was gone. 2017, the Year of the Rooster is upon us. And I trust it will be a blessed and abundant year us, for our lahui no matter where you eall home, 'no matter where you roam.' As we closed out the old year we heard onee more the ancient Christmas Story about a special child born in a stable because there was no room for him, his mom and dad in the inn; a babe
bom under a bright star shining in the Eastern sky, amongst lowing cattle, wrapped in swaddling clothes, resting in a manger, for whom wise men from afar eame to honor bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold. We remember the shepherds tending their sheep by night and 'angels singing on high.' I never tire of hearing the Story. Why? It's a story of hope, renewal, abundance, strong inner spirit, hfe etemal, joy, patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, abundance, goodness and gratitude. I hope 2017 for you will be fllled with
hope and renewal. That your eup will bubble over daily and etemally with joy, patience, kindness, compas-
sion, forgiveness, abundance, goodness and gratitude. I hope 2017 for you will be fllled with optimism, the inner spirit and strength you need to tackle the challenges that may eome your way. For me for all my years I have mueh to be grateful for. My 'eke spills over with gratitude. I have a Great wife, two wonderful sons and daughters-
in-law and a precious grandson with one more on the way. Loving parents. Great family. Great teachers. Great mentors. Great kahu. Great friends. I've been blessed with bushels of wonderful opportunities and life experiences. A second ehanee at life. Serving as your OHA Trustee for nine years and blessed to work with Ka Pouhana, his Executive Team and a wonderful cadre of staff. Living in these beautiful islands. Living in my ku'u home of Waimea. "May Your Cup Run Over." Hau'oli Makahiki Hou. ■
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Rūbert K. Lindsey, Jr. Trustee, Hawai'i