Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2017 — A Chance for Change! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A Chance for Change!
A loha Mai Kākou ! /\ This new year of 2017 / \ affords us
# % the ehanee to # *make whatever changes necessary for our OHA! Whether it's the governance or other aspects of the social and educational systems, the change ean be the "systems" you have created in your personal worlds with your friends, family and loved ones that we ean implement in OHA. I will try to work for change in this organiza-
tion called OHA ... no more airy schemes that have little practical value. Instead we will
try to achieve a carefully thought out, rigorously planned course of action. Others will have no doubts about how our plans are to work as transparency will rule. Consequently there is potential for mueh solid achievement under this inHuenee. "HAU'OLI MAKAHIKIHOU!" A hui hou, Trustee Leina'ala ■
Leina'ala Ahu lsa, Ph.D. VicE Chair, TrustEE, At-largE
The journey begins for Trustee Ahu lsa.
nonoring our Denericiaries. . .mauna a Wakea. - Photos: Courtesy
Honoring our ancestors, Kukaniloko. - Photo: KaiMarkell