Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 1, 1 January 2017 — Updated textbook indudes current Hawaiʻi issues [ARTICLE]

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Updated textbook indudes current Hawaiʻi issues

The newest edition of "A History of Hawai'i" offers a comprehensive account of Hawai'i's history from 1778 to present day. The third edi-

tion, released by the UH CurriculumResearch & Development Group in

November, brings the textbook up to date with current issues like education, homelessness, rail development, sovereignty and the Thirty Meter Telescope. It also adds new interactive activities that encourage students to delve deeper into the material and connect them to this plaee. As in previous editions, the textbook features primary documents, political cartoons and other graphic features, as well as stories and poems, to explore governmental, social and land history.

"Our History of Hawai'i text is one of a kind. Previous editions have been used throughout Hawai'i's schools. The third edition, thoroughly researched and classroom tested, adds more recent history and new classroom interactive activities that connect students to this plaee. Used as a classroom text, teacher reference, or simply a good read, this book makes an important contribution to understanding Hawai'i and its eeonomie, social and political history," says College of Education Dean Donald B. Young.