Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 1, 1 January 2017 — ʻAimalama [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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A Solution Based on Ancestnal Knowledge

By Hui 'Aimalama There was so mueh good information to include in last month's issue of Ka Wai Ola, and never enough space! Here is a little bit about the lunar month of Makali'i, whieh was from Nov. 28 to Dec. 27. In this malama, we definitely know we are in the rainy season of Ho'oilo. This time is good for clearing land and planting. Inlluxes of freshwater encourage limu growth along the shoreline. This current lunar month of Kā'elo spans Dec. 28 to Jan. 26. Kamakau and Kepelino both explained that this month was named for its drenching or soaking characteristics. Other

notable features include dark stormy skies and an incredible abundance of mālolo, the flying fish. A few years ago, we observed strong winds in this month, but Hui 'Aimalama and friends have also seen the llow-

ering and seeding of many plants in this time: avocado, kauna'oa, plkake, lychee, 'ilima, lemongrass, mango, citruses...andmore! It has been almost one year j since we started this 'Aim- , alama eolumn in Ka Wai 01 a. We are thankful for the opportunity to share mana'o, including historical accounts, research from contempo- I rary scholars, and everyday I kilo. We want to know what : you think! Let us know if j there are specific topics you ' would like to hear about. You ean reach us via social media by searching for Moon Phase Project on Facebook or Instagram - and while you're there, share some of your own observations. Or you ean contact us at www.moonphaseproj ect.com or www.aimalama.org. Visit www.aimalama.org and eliek on the Resources section to find observation logs, past ealendars, reports, and more. ■

VQCABULARY Kaulana mahina - The position ofthe moon Mahina - Moon Malama - Lunar month Anahulu - A period of 10 moon phases Makali'i - Lunar month from Nov. 28 to Dec. 27 Kā'elo - Lunarmonthfrom Dec. 28 to Jan. 26


Above and inset, heavy rain fills intermiftent streams in Puna, feeding lots of limu pālahalaha during Makali'i. At right, avocado flowering. - Photos: Courtesyof 'Aimalama Hui