Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2016 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
# PROPERTY $6,984,438 lncludes operational costs for OHA's properties at Kaka'ako Makai, Nā Lama Kukui, the Palauea Cultural Preserve and Wao Kele o Puna. £ SPECIAL PROGRAMS $4,710,565 Reflects budgets for programs funded through non-trust fund sources, such as federal funds, and support of other OHA LLC's. GOVERNANCE PLANNING $130,062 Reflects the budget authorization for Governance Planning. CONTRACTS $8,010,981 lncludes expenditures directly related to implementing program activities, services-on-a-fee and legal services. Approved Budget $49,914,030
Spending Limit $53,549,763 £ PROPERTY $10,092,568 Reflects the revenues generated by Nā Lama Kukui, Kaka'ako Makai properties and deposits for use at the Palauea Cultural Reserve. SPECIAL PROGRAMS $4,710,565 lncludes grants, federal funding for specific projects (including the Hālawa Luluku lnterpretive Development Project and the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Program and other miscellaneous ineome. GOVERNANCE PLANNING $130,062 The Board of Trustees approved a financing vehiele in 2014 to fund ŪHA's governance planning effort.