Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 12, 1 December 2016 — Kēkēmapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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HTY: 'A PLANTATION CELEBRATION' Dec. 3, 10 and 17, 4:30 p.m. Honolulu Theatre for Youth's current production casts a nostalgic eye on the plantation era with original scenes, music and classic stories looking back on the holidays in old Hawai'i. $20, with discounts for keiki and seniors. Tenney Theatre, www.htyweb.org, 839-9885. WILLIE WONDERLAND Dec. 3, 7 to 10 p.m. Nā Hōkū Hanohano award-win-ning artist Willie K returns with his popular 'ohana-friendly holiday concert. $35-85, with discounts for keiki and MACC members. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Kahului, www.mauiarts.org. KONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AT MAUNA LANI CHARITY TREES Dec. 4, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Learn about the history of Kona through a historical photo eolleetion as you admire a Christmas tree decorated with the society's special photos, as well as those from other organizations. Prizes will be awarded to trees that receive the highest number of votes from the puhlie. Mauna Lani Bay Hotel, Kamuela. www.konahistorical.org.

KŪPUNA DAY: THE FIRE IS KINDLED WITHIN THE HEARTS OF OUR KŪPUNA Dec. 9, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A day of interacting and networking, participating in activities to improve kūpuna functional abilities, enhanee self-esteem and provide resources to inform and support kūpuna and family member caregivers about dementia and Alzheimer's. Free. Kulana 'Oiwi Complex, Kaunakakai, Moloka'i. WA'A 'AUHAU WORKSHOP Dec. 10-11, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. This workshop on traditional carving styles utilizes the skills that were handed down generationally in South Kona to perpetuate traditional culture and practices associated to Makahiki, as well as general practices such as carving and maintaining resources to produce ceremony, protocol and practice of Makahiki in South Kona. Pu'uhonua O Hōnaunau Nahonal Historical Park, (808) 327-9525. LIGHTED BOAT PARADE Dec. 11,6 to 7 p.m. Kona's Kailua Bay will celebrate the holidays with a festive Lighted Boat Parade. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at Kailua Pier. Free. Ka'ahumanu Plaee, Kailua-Kona, www.Historic KailuaVillage.com.

MOKU'ULA BY MIDNIGHT IN LAHAINA Dec. 13, 6 to 8 p.m. As the moon rises over the Moku'ula Mokuhinia restoration site, enjoy a kanikapila-style jam and storytelling as loeal elders share tales of Lahaina. Special guest speakers will also talk about current Native Hawaiian issues. Limited seating is available for kūpuna and everyone else is weleome to bring blankets and low heaeh chairs. Free. Beachfront of Hale Halawai in Kamehameha Iki Park, Maui. '

KĀ KAPOLEI MAKAHIKI Dec. 17, 9 a.m. to noon Ulu A'e Learning Center is proud to host the first annual Kā Kapolei Makahiki family event featuring food, entertainment and Makahiki games for all ages. Free.

_ Pu'uokapolei, located at the pa hula, hula mound, in the upper area of Kapolei Regional Park. KE KŌKŌ: NET MAKING Dec. 17-18, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Net making played an integral

part īn traditionai Hawaiian society, not just for providing food, but also for making capes andpouches. This workshop will focus on making a symbolic net called Ke koko o Maoloha i ka lani, or the net of Maoloha in the heavens, used in the closing ceremonies of Makahiki. Practitioners will gain historical knowledge of knotting and its important role in society, as well as the significance of the Maoloha. For more information, eall the OHA West Hawai'i Island office

at (808) 327-9525. AMY AND WILLIE HOLIDAY SHOW Dec. 16-17, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 18, 4:30 p.m. A popular holiday tradition eontinues with two of Hawai'i's top artists, Amy Hanaiali'i and Willie K, celebrating the season through musical artistry. The Dec. 17 eoncert is the hnal show of the 2016 monthly Hawaiian Classics series.

Tickets start at $52, with discounts available for kama'aina and HTC members at the Dec. 17 show, part of the Hawai'i Classics concert series. Hawai'i Theatre Center, www.hawaiitheater.com.

WAILEA VILLAGE MOCHI POUNDING Dec. 30, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Practice and participate in the ancient art of moehi pounding for good luek at Akiko's Buddhist B&B's 19th annual event. Hawaiian entertainment, fortune tellers, massage, used books, flowers, crafts and jewelry will be available. Free. 29-2091 OMMamalahoa Highway, Hakalau, www.akikosbnb.com/ activities/activities.html#mochi ■

HONOLULU CITY LIGHTS Dec. 3, 4 p.m. Opening night festivities for the 32nd annual event include the Honolulu Hale tree lighting ceremony by the mayor, food booths, keiki rides and an electric light parade. Santa will visit the Mission Memorial Auditorium and the Honolulu Hale Courtyard will be filled with Christmas trees decorated by city employees, as well as a puhlie wreath contest. Free. King Street near Honolulu Hale, w ww.honolulucitylights . org .

Hl CALENDAR LISTINGS Kp*( To have a loeal event 8p | listed in our monthly I calendar, email kwo@ 7 I oha.org at least six I weeksinadvance. Make ■H sure to include the loea1tion, price, date and time. Ifavailable, please attach a high-resolution (300 dpi) photograph with your email.


www.oha.org/kwo | kwo@OHA.org NATIVE HAWAIIAN » NEWS | FEATURES | EVENTS

ūownlown Honolulu will soon be aglow as the 32nd annual Honolulu City Lights goes bright on Saturday, December 3, 201 6. - Photo: Friends ofHonolulu City Lights/Bob Poek

Food, entertainment, and Makahiki games for all ages. - Photo: Courtesy of Ulu h'e Learning Center

Amy Hanaiali'i and Willie K., performs a holiday show at the Hawai'i Theatre. - Photo: Courtesy of Hawai'i īheatre Center