Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 11, 1 November 2016 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
<HO'OHUI OHANA V www.oha.org/kwo | kwo@OHA.org PAMII Y RFI IMI0M9 * native hawahan » news i features i events
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space~available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e~mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
zablan - The Hui 0 Zablan Reunion Luneheon will be a Poīluek on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m at NAVFAC (Navy Facilities Engineering Command) Hawai'i Recreation/ Ball Field. Entrance is only from Salt Lake Blvd. Take Marshall Road going makai from Salt Lake Blvd. to site. A donation "Door Prize" is weleome. Can goods for Hawai'i Foodbank will be collected. Goldenrod T-shirts with a red Family Crest design again features our late Cousin Kimo Zablan's art work. Cousins Jimbo and Tammy Correa Beaumont
are producing the shirts at a very reasonable price. Shirts will be available for purchase at the Reunion Potluck Luneheon. Bring your kala. For Potluck Luneheon, bring a main dish and if you wish, a dessert too. Cost $5.00 per family sent to Auntie Leatrice Zablan; 4220 Kilauea Ave.; Honolulu, HI 96816 by Nov. 12, 2016. Any questions phone: Yvonne 808-927-7405. If you have any late additions to Family Album eall Cousin Susan Victor 808-988-1272. The Hui hope to see all of you, Joaquin Zablan and Ane Nahaku Keaweamahi and Joaquin Zablan and Maria Bothelo descendants and our extended families.
dudoit - Planning for the April 14 & 15, 2017 reunion is well on it's way. Monthly meetings are held at Godfrey Kaonohi's house at 47-641 Uakea Plaee, Kahalu'u, Hawai'i. This year we are honoring our kūpuna, so please eome and join us at the meetings and plan for a very special two day event. For information you ean contact Howard Meheula at 808-393-8689, Colette Cordiero 808-234-3032 or Cathy Kaonohi at 808-239-8684. You ean also follow us on Facebook at Dudiot unlimited. Mahalo and hope to hear from the Dudiot 'Ohana.
lincoln - The 'Ohana Lineoln Reunion Committee is planning our next family reunion for June 16 & 17, 2017 in Kona. Our Reunion begins on Friday, June 16 with a historic visit to our ancestral lands and continues on Saturday, June 17 at Hale Halawai. If you are of Lineoln heritage and want to attend, please contact the following Committee members for more information. Please be sure to leave a message if no one answers. You ean also email me as well, Rowena A. Lineoln, 808-497-1219, email: Ehulani822@yahoo.com or Jonna Robello, 808-783-5423. kulioholani-konowahine 'ohana reunion - The two surviving descendants of Alawa and his wife Ana Kulioholani are having a reunion. The descendants are Daisy Nakike Apua Alawa who married Kau Chit Aki, and her sister Ana Alawa who married Kamaka Pamaiaulu. Descendants of these two sisters: from Daisy Nakike Apua Alawa (Kau Chit Aki) are: Henry AhChoy Apua, Amoe Aki Yam, Edward Kau, Harry Aki, Sam Aki and Alex Aki. From Ana Alawa (Pamaiaulu) are: Julia Konawahine Pamaiaulu. Julia married Peter Kaiu Akiona and had ten children. Six of the sur\dving children are: Josephine DeLauraCrow, Ramona Teves, Veronica Samera, Dorothy Kekuewa, Shirley Hering and Lorna AkionaTerry. The reunion will be at the Waimanalo Hawaiian Homes Hale, 41-253 Ilauhole St., Waimanalo on Saturday, July 1, 2017, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Cost $15 for adults 8 years and up (includes 1 Bento), $8 for children 5 to 7 years old (includes 1 Bento). Under 4 years old is free (no Bento, but may purchase a Bento for $8). Register on line at: https://sites.google.com/site/ kauakiohana/home. Deadline February 28, 2017. For information or those who wish to help with the planning eall John Aki at 808-492-5929 or email johnakijr@yahoo.com.
HI*PTAC HAWAI'I PROCUREMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER Ready to get your business into the government contracting arena? Let HI-PTAC assist you with our free services. As a non-profit organization funded by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Defense Logistics Agency, we provide free daily listings of federal, state, and county requests for bids. We also provide counseling to help you to navigate bid requirements and market your product or service. Register with us today: hiptac.ecenterdirect.com for the following free services: • Bid-Matching from 29 Government sites • Counseling on Government Procurement • Securing Registration and Certification • Assistance with Bid Preparation ■ J J ■ For information, contact our office at: ■ I II ptac@hookipaipai.org or 808-596-8990 ext. 1009 II II 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 1430, Honolulu, Hl 96813 Validated parking at Pacific Park Plaza parking structure on Curtis Street Ho'okipaipai, llc
g : i u For more information on the Kuleana Tax Ordinance or for genealogy verification requests, please contact 808.594.1967 or email kuleanasurvey@oha.org. All personal data, such as names, locations and descriptions of Kuleana Lands will be kept secure and used solely forthe purposes of this attemptto perpetuate Kuleana rights and possession.
KULEANA LANŪ H0LDERS THE KULEANA LANŪ TAX ordinances in the City and County of Honolulu, County of Hawai'i, County of Kaua'i and County of Maui allow eligible owners to pay minimal property taxes eaeh year. Applications are on eaeh county's web site. @HA Empowering Hawaiians, Strengthening Hawai'i I oha.org 560 N. Nimitz Hwy„ Suite 200 • Honolulu, Hl 96817 • 808.594.1835